15 October 2023

Bottom Tier 13


Qualifications For The Sky Castle

We were on a carriage heading towards the next dungeon.

"There are people like them, huh?" 

Ao-chan said, looking back at the town.

Although seats were facing each other, two by two, Ao-chan had snuggled up next to me.

Our shoulders were touching close.

Ao-chan still smelled good.

"They looked like thugs, and I was scared."

"Not everyone is sensible with proper manners."

"Do you think they know it's a game world too?"

"I think they're just locals."

"Even though they seemed pretty strong, Minato-kun, you completely overwhelmed them, right?"

"Nah, that was just a bluff. Those people seemed like high-level people. If they had all attacked at once, I wouldn't have stood a chance."

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Sensei... has a newfound respect for Minato-kun."

"I-Is that so...?" 

She said with a radiant smile, making me blush.

"At first, I thought you'd run away, but you stood up to them, didn't you? They were after me, and I could tell Minato-kun was trying to protect me, and well..."

Ao-chan rubbed our knees together.

She was so cute that I just gazed at her for a while.

If I had made one wrong move, Ao-chan might have been kidnapped. Or rather, get forcibly recruited into their party. 

The atmosphere gave off a feeling that no third party would rescue us, so it was quite a dangerous situation.

I'm really glad I was able to protect her.

"Oh, Minato-kun, look at that."

Ao-chan, looking back again, had spotted something.

I turned around, and I saw a medium-sized carriage approaching us.

Upon closer inspection, it was the same party as before, riding in that carriage.

Is it just a coincidence? Or is it because we went in the same direction?

If it's retaliation or something, it would be troublesome.

As we remained cautious, a Holy Knight popped his head out to the window.

"I heard about your quest! I apologize, but let me help you!"

"Oh, it's fine. In that case..."

I smiled politely and asked the coachman.

"Please, increase the speed of the carriage."

"Is it troublesome?! My skills are itching...!"

The coachman rather enthusiastic, whipped the horses, and our carriage sped up rapidly.

"Was he a good person?"

"Sensei, people who want good recruits don't usually approach like that."

"I see..."

"However, despite some character flaws, he has skills. Having them with us might be reassuring on quests in recommended off-limit areas like this one."

"No, I feel plenty reassured with Minato-kun around."

I repeated that line in my head and felt a sense of satisfaction.

I never imagined there would be a timeline where my admired teacher would say something like this.

I wanted to protect Ao-chan, who said such things. Protect her flawlessly without any room for error.

I briefly glanced back, and the carriage behind us had become much smaller.

Guardians is an open-world game, allowing players the freedom to go wherever they like in the game world.

There are recommended and off-limit areas based on your level. But you can go to any place you want.

We disembarked from the carriage at the foot of the mountain and made our way up a staircase-like passage carved into the mountainside.

As the Sky Castle was a large dungeon, we encountered fellow adventurers along the way who shared the same goal.

The mountain path had been cleared of monsters by the previous party that had appeared, so we only had to walk a short distance without engaging in any battles.

"It seems like we can easily get to Laputa."

"It's not that easy."

"Oh, really?"

As we continued up the staircase, we reached a large landing. As we quietly watched the party we had been secretly taking on, a massive, semi-transparent wall appeared before us.

The wall was intricately designed.

"Uh, it's a dead end?"

"It has begun. Look at that."


The party ahead had started a battle with the gatekeeper that appeared.


Arc Bison, the Sky Gatekeeper

Level 21

HP 219

SP 34


The large, cow-like monster, wielding a massive axe, toyed with the party that had gone ahead, swinging its weapon around.

"Although you can go anywhere, there are enemies in some places to test whether you have the qualifications to proceed."

"It's incredibly strong..."

Ao-chan looked anxious and on the verge of tears.

"If we can't get through here, we won't stand a chance further ahead."

With an unpleasant sound, one of the party members was reduced to mincemeat by the giant axe. 

Just like monsters, human bodies seemed to disappear upon death.

With one person down, the party's balance between offense and defense got thrown off, and 1 by 1, they got picked off by the enemy. Five members... the last one got defeated, and the battle ended.

The wall that had been blocking their way was now gone.

Ao-chan was in shock, trembling as she pointed at the enemy. 

"W-We're going to fight that?"


"The five-person party from earlier was wiped out in about a minute, you know?"

"Our tactics are different from theirs. Trust me and leave it to me."

"Okay. I understand!"

"It's one of the targets for our quest. Let's go for it."

"Right, I'll do my best!"

Despite her words, Ao-chan didn't budge.

So, I took her hand and led her onto the landing.

The wall was sealed behind us, leaving no way to escape.

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