02 September 2023

Mob MC 264.1


Chapter 264.1. A Heartwarming Party

Mii-chan was fidgeting with excitement and restlessness. 

She's in a simple room with tatami flooring, separated by nostalgic shoji screens. Whether it was for guests or not, there was a splendid black lacquered table with tea and steamed buns.

Japanese paintings adorned the walls, and a vase held beautiful flowers. Someone with a knack for floral arrangements must have set it up. 

The overall decor was elegant and subdued. Mi-chan and Mama were sitting in seiza, waiting.

"Aren't you feeling a bit restless, Mii-chan?"

"Yeah... I'm a bit nervous."

"Really? You're usually so fearless. What's different today?"

Mama playfully ruffled Mii-chan's hair, making them smile bashfully.

"I'm nervous about those shoji screens. I wonder if they're easy to put holes in..."

"Don't open them, alright? It's a promise between us."

"Yeah, it's okay because when I get home, Nimue will prepare a shoji screen for me with holes."

Mii-chan imitated poking holes and pouted.

"That's not okay. You can only put holes in shoji screens when it's time to replace them. If we prepare a shoji screen with holes, the shoji maker will cry."

"Yeeesss. How about replacing them today?"

"I don't think any household would do a major cleaning on a party day."

Mii-chan looked disappointed, but mama was right. Today, we were visiting mama's dad's house.

We came here every summer vacation. I repeated it twice because it's important.

It's a slightly rural house with vast fields and a beautiful stream flowing, with green mountains visible in the distance. The sight of boundary stones towering in the village center gives it a fantasy-like feeling.

Also, on the outskirts of the village, there's an adventurer's guild that also serves as the town hall, so it doesn't look very fantasy-like.

Nevertheless, unlike a declining village, there are not just elderly people but also children here.

There are conditions for making fields. 

First, the surrounding monsters must be weak. 

Second, the surrounding monsters must be weak. 

There's no third or fourth, and the fifth is that the plain for making fields is extensive. 

Yes, unlike in my previous world, people have to protect the land from monsters in this world, so land suitable for farming is precious.

Therefore, quite a few well-off people lived in this village, people so fortunate that if they heard about them, farmers from the previous world would wish to be reincarnated. 

There's no ridiculous land reform policy here. Farming is a profitable profession.

And the head of the trading company that handles this village's agricultural products is mama's dad. In other words, Mii-chan's grandpa.

"Having a party hosted by grandpa is unusual, right?"

When I tilted my head slightly and asked, mama opened her mouth with a wry smile.

"Yeah, it seems the landlord here is throwing the party."

"Not a nobleman?"

"No, he called himself a baron... From mama's perspective, he used to be a high-ranking person."

It seemed like mama didn't have many memories, as she touched her chin and told me with a subtle expression. She must be thinking that her status has changed from the past to now.

Well, it didn't seem like the trading company was a place where you could easily meet nobles. I think it was incredibly fortunate that mama met papa.

"A baron, huh? It's nice of him to throw a party! It's been a while since I've been to one!"

"You should attend various parties, but Mii-chan is still young, so Mama and the others are stopping it."

"I'm already a grown-up." 

Mama teased Mii-chan while poking their cheek and laughing playfully.

"Didn't you try to make huge pancakes like in that picture book the other day?"

"In the picture book, they were eating them with everyone in the forest, so I wanted to eat them with my friends too."

By the way, it didn't work out. Making pancakes as big as a 10-tatami mat room was impossible. 

They ended up burnt. 

Ant-san, the staff enjoyed the leftover pancakes. I enlarged it magically, and they were delicious.

"Oh my, you shouldn't waste food like that."

"Everyone enjoyed the whipped cream we were planning to put on." 

By the way, we made a huge pot of whipped cream for the sweet potato stew event. Since it was made without separation, everyone enjoyed it. It was incredibly delicious, and I cried. I discovered I can eat sweet things in a whole different dimension stomach.

Mama, with a wry smile, continued to pat me gently. With my eyes closed and a smile on my face, I heard approaching footsteps and saw a figure stopped in front of the shoji screen.

"Birei, Miu-chan. May I come in?"

"Dad, of course."

Upon hearing mama's response, the shoji screen slid open gracefully. 

A middle-aged man, who was approaching old age but not quite there yet, entered the room. He looks like a nice middle-aged guy rather than a senior citizen, and he has a friendly face that makes sense for mama's parents.

Behind him, a similarly pleasant middle-aged woman appeared with a smile.

"Grandpa Tobita, Grandma!"

I stood energetically, approached them, and embraced them with open arms and a beaming smile.

"Oh my, you're as lively as ever, Miu-chan."

"You're so full of energy. It cheers me up too."

"Hehe, I'll share some of my energy with you!"

[Cure IV]

"Once more!"

[Cure IV]

"Hey, you, it's the second time today!"

Mama warned me as she watched Grandpa and Grandma enveloped in light. It's okay to chant it as many times as they want; I still have plenty of MP left. Ahem.

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