15 September 2023

Loli Vtuber 152


Chapter 152. [End Of Second Year Of Middle School]

I did RC car broadcasts, sign language broadcasts, and projects using text-to-speech software... I also checked out the creations posted on Twitter.

And though singing was impossible for me, I could dance, so I practiced choreography for live events.

Before I knew it, two weeks had flown by. The promotion to the third year of middle school was looming close. 

I visited the ear, nose, and throat specialist again for an examination.

"Even after all that warning, you were still streaming!?"

Huh!? Oh, right!?

I was interrogated by the doctor with a terrifying expression. Even after all that warning, I had completely forgotten.

But wait, didn't that just mean "don't speak"? 

So, as long as I didn't use my voice, the broadcasts shouldn't matter.

As I sent that thought in the doctor's direction, she let out a loud sigh.

"You see, the human throat is much more active than you think, even unconsciously. Just reading text or listening to music makes it move. I explained this stuff around here, didn't I?"

Oh, really!? Did you?

So, does that mean I was doing some pretty risky stuff?

"Anyway, it's too late to worry about it now... If you hadn't fully recovered by now, I'd have to do more than scold you."

The doctor's angry expression turned into a smile.

So, in other words.

"Congratulations, Iroha-san. It's about time you started using your voice again."

"......!(Buzz, buzz, buzz)"

I bowed my head repeatedly to express my gratitude.

Right, I could talk again now.

"Thank you very much, doctor."

"You're welcome. But please continue to come for regular check-ups for a while longer. And even though you have permission now, don't overdo it. Vocal cord nodules are very prone to recurrence."


Take it slow. 

I learned the hard way that rushing things only leads to detours.

"And to avoid damaging your throat, hydration is important. Please continue with your vocal care. It's too late to start once it's already hurt, you know?"

"Yes. Well, I'm being monitored, so..."

At the prompting of Ah-nee, I kept the humidifier running all the time. 

In addition to that, I now perform throat care 2 a day with a nebulizer filled with saline solution.

To be honest, it was a bit of a hassle.

But my Mai and Angu Ogu would send me messages every time it was time to do it, asking, 'Did you do your inhalations properly?'. So, I couldn't slack off even if I wanted to.

"You've made some good friends."

I brushed off the doctor's fond gaze by scratching my cheek.

Though I wasn't feeling unwell, my cheeks had warmed up a bit without apparent reason.


On the way back from the hospital, my mother started talking to me in the taxi.

"I'm really glad you're better. If it had dragged on, you might not have been able to study in the US as you wanted."

"Yeah, going to the hospital right away was a good idea."

"By the way, have you heard?"

"Huh, heard what?"

My mom had a mischievous grin as she looked at me. Oh no, could it be?

"I heard you've become immortal?"

"Gyaaah!? Wh-why would you even say that!?"

My face turned bright red as I lunged at my mom. 

There was only one possible answer as to how she found out.

"Could it be, Mom... you went to the doctor's office by yourself to ask?"

"You not being honest is the problem here. [While I was crying and saying I was truly worried about my daughter's health], the doctor didn't tell me outright, but she gave me some vague hints, you know?"

"What about patient confidentiality!?"

"You're a minor. I'm your mom and your legal guardian."

"Oh, right!?"

I had completely messed up. I should have told her, "Please don't tell anyone.".

But I could also imagine how difficult it must have been for the doctor, torn between patient privacy and my mom's emotional plea. 

This was likely a compromise solution.

"Promise me you'll keep this a secret from Mai and the others."

"Why not tell them? It's not a big deal."

"Absolutely not!"

"Oh dear, you're pouting."

I turned away and rested my cheek on the window frame. 

Looking back now, I could only regret it. 

Why had I ever believed something like that in the first place?


"Oh, Iroha-chan~! They said you weren't sick after all~! I'm so relieved!"

"Mom, seriously!?"

I felt like collapsing. Naturally, the news had made its way to Mai, who had come to our house to play. 

Everyone here had such loose lips! 

Was my personal information public property or something!?

"But... hehe, Iroha-chan, you've got a bit of a childish side, huh~?"

"Stop it! I don't want to hear this!"

"You see, Iroha-chan, everyone makes assumptions or misunderstands things sometimes, especially at our age~"

Mai had an unusually gentle smile on her face. 

Don't look at me like that!

"Because, Iroha-chan, you're still just a 2nd-year middle school student, you know~."

Wait a second. Mai, what are you trying to say!? 

Please, don't say anything more!

However, my plea went unheard, and Mai delivered the decisive blow.

"Iroha-chan, what you're going through is called 'chuunibyou,' you know~?"


I covered my ears and huddled down, my face burning with embarrassment. 

Ugh, seriously! 

How did it come to this!? 

I had sworn to take this secret to my grave!

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