04 August 2023

Seeker 137


Chapter 137. The Lord's Illness

To hear more detailed information, we decided to change locations.

Following Aria-san, we stepped into the area where the upper-class mansions are. 

Eventually, we arrived at the residence of the Lord who governed the town.

Aria-san passed the gate with ease, and we followed suit.

"Wow, so Aria is indeed the Lord's daughter."

"Sorry for keeping it a secret. For certain reasons, I'm a noble's daughter, but I'm adventuring incognito... Well, I guess it's not that surprising to you."

I had a rough idea already. So it wasn't a big surprise.

Nevertheless, it was my first time entering a castle like this, so I couldn't help but look around curiously.

However, contrary to what I imagined a castle to be, it didn't give off a particularly extravagant impression. 

It felt more like a sturdy and practical defense structure. 

There was no evident sense of affluence either.

After passing through the castle gate, we followed Aria-san through the courtyard and entered the main residence. 

In the entrance hall, the elderly man in the butler's attire we saw yesterday welcomed Aria-san.

"Welcome back, Lady Althea. And these are the adventurers who were with you yesterday."

"Yes, they are adventurers. Trustworthy and skilled individuals. Has my father's condition changed?"

"Yes, he still occasionally suffers, but there haven't been significant changes."

"I see. Since there's no chance of a natural recovery, it's somewhat good news. I suppose."

Aria-san's voice sounded somewhat melancholic. 

Afterward, she led us to the Lord's bedroom on the mansion's 2nd floor.

In the bedroom, a robust middle-aged man was lying on the bed. 

He appeared to be in distress, breathing heavily and groaning. 

There was an elderly man, whom we assumed to be a doctor, standing by the bed. 

He was wetting a cloth with water and placing it on the patient's forehead.

Aria-san spoke to the man whom she believed to be the doctor.

"My father's condition hasn't changed, has it?"

"It's hard to say. He hasn't worsened significantly, but his strength is steadily declining. He might last another week at most."

"But if we can find the medicinal herbs that inhabit the depths of the Wyvern Valley, we can make a special cure... I believe."

"Yes, the Wyvern Valley. Although I'm not an expert on adventurers, the medical book describing this illness mentions that it's a place even skilled adventurers hesitate to venture into. Are you truly planning to go there, Lady Althea?"

"Of course. Knowing there's a way to save my father, I can't just stand idly by. But I understand that it would be reckless for me to go alone."

At that moment, the patient lying on the bed groaned and slowly opened his eyelids. 

He looked towards Aria and weakly murmured.

"Althea, huh..."

"Father...! Don't push yourself! I will go and collect the medicinal herbs!"

"I heard the conversation... You're always doing reckless things, whether it's because you're too kind or too much of a tomboy... I'm more worried about you..."

"I'll be fine. I won't do anything reckless or foolish. I'll seek the help of reliable companions. Here are Daichi-san, Kazane-san, and Hotaru-san. They are all skilled adventurers."

Aria introduced the three of us to the person on the bed, undoubtedly her father and the Lord of this town. 

We politely bowed towards him.

"I see... You are the adventurers who will help Althea... Please, protect my daughter..."

"Oh, Father... That's not how it is! I am a capable adventurer too, and I'm not in a position to be protected! Daichi-san and the others are just here to lend their cooperation!"

"Haha... You're right..."

Hmm... I came to listen to the details.

But it seems like the discussion is already proceeding as if we've agreed to help. 

It feels like the outer walls are being filled up rapidly.

Is this a request we can't refuse?

While contemplating, the Lord started coughing and showing signs of discomfort again. 

The doctor suggested leaving the room, so Aria-san and we excused ourselves from the bedroom.

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