20 August 2023

Mob MC 250.1


Chapter 250.1. It's A Fantasy Race

Elizabeth is in the lead and is incredibly fast.

Mii-chan and Elizabeth are racing along the lakeside. The untouched forest grows on the right side, and since it's faster to run on the water's surface, we are skimming above the water.

Elizabeth's float board is about to reach its maximum speed, and even a high-speed Demon Lord like mine should be catching up soon, but I can't catch up.

Elizabeth's skill is great and tuned within the regulations.

It must be Menou Marquisate, masters of magic weaponry.

Ulhara tuned Mii-chan's float board to the brink of disqualification, and it's impressive that hers can compete with Mii-chan's.

Unlike in my past life, Lake Biwa, inhabited by magical creatures with purification effects, has such high transparency that I can almost see the bottom. 

Elizabeth races across the high-transparency water surface. The splashes of water glisten and beautifully highlight the dynamic form of the wolf-girl.

"You're quite impressive, Elizabeth-chan!"

Mii-chan waves her hand, striking a balance as she moves forward, and calls out to Elizabeth ahead, smiling with her protruding teeth.

"...I can't quite leave you behind, can I? Well done."

"My float board has good performance too."

"Also, your movements are quite intriguing!"

"I'm trying to fend off Elizabeth-chan's tail defense!"

That's one reason why I can't overtake her. It's Elizabeth's tail defense technique.

Elizabeth wags her fluffy tail in front of Mii-chan.

Inadvertently, Mii-chan slows down, trying to touch it, but the tail sways left and right, making it difficult for me to touch it.

What a frightening technique. It must be Elizabeth's secret technique.

Just a little more, that fluffy tail. Ah, I touched the tip. Mmm...

"Heh, you're quite entranced! Always having room to overtake, it makes me quite angry."

"If you understand, are you surrendering?"

"The race just began. I'll tell you that a float board with high acceleration is advantageous even if you lose speed. At the first checkpoint!"

Despite talking about feeling angry, Elizabeth has a combative smile. 

I can tell she has some wolf ancestry.

We're racing across the cold water surface. The first checkpoint comes into view.

A refreshing breeze blows, cooling their cheeks. Beyond the source of the wind lies a white forest resembling birch trees.

"Silent Frostwood Forest. I wonder if we can clear this?"

"I've studied properly, so it's fine!"

Mii-chan had watched the race from the previous year. She's well-prepared, understanding the terrain effects of this checkpoint.

"A winter forest that's chilly even in summer. There are many ice-based creatures, right?"

"Exactly. Can you slip from me, or escape without spending much time?"

"Of course! I'll show you the secrets of Takano County, so watch closely!"

"It's quite intriguing!"

As we rushed into the forest, a piercing cold rushed over us. If we had ordinary bodies, our movements would slow down from the cold.

Silent Frostwood Forest is a magical terrain. 

This area is always in the heart of winter. The air freezes when the wind blows, and turned into a blizzard.

The ground is covered in snow, deep enough. It went up to my waist if I tried to walk.

The birch-like trees are made of ice, their leaves crystallized, sparkling, and shimmering.

Elizabeth took the lead and entered the ice forest. 

The cold air struck her, but despite wearing a fur bikini, a glowing red magic barrier covered her body, completely shielding her.

"Can a Demon Lord type move through these dense woods?"

The ice-made trees were closely packed, allowing only enough space for one person to pass through.

Elizabeth tilted her body slightly, kicked her float board with a thump, and raced through the narrow passage at a sharp angle, threading her way between the trees.

Just before touching the trees, she skillfully avoided them and continued with an unaffected expression, as if her skill was a matter of course.

"If you hit the frost wood, your movements slow down, and your speed decreases. I guess for a Demon Lord type, it could be fatal! But it won't go that way!"

Mii-chan had practiced in a mobile game too. Her skill was at a level where she could almost win against the Easy mode computer opponents.


Just before colliding with the trees, she tilted her body and hit her float board. Mii-chan's trajectory changed. She evaded the tree in front of her and collided with the next one.

Her speed seemed like it would diminish, but it was calculated perfectly.

"One of my secret strategies, go!"

With a huff and puff, Mii-chan used one of the secret strategies hidden within her float board.

The magic stone attached to the board exploded with mana. The impact accelerated the float board, regaining the speed it had lost.

"What! You shattered the magic stone!"

"It's okay. There are still plenty of them attached!"

In the regulations, there was no violation in attaching as many magic stones as you wanted. 

When shattered, the magic stone caused a momentary acceleration. It was like Nitro in racing video games from their past lives.

As they pushed forward through the frigid winds in the pure white forest, Mii-chan's secret strategy caught Elizabeth's eye, causing her to widen her eyes and exclaim.

"It's unbelievable. How can you waste so many magic stones!"

"It's only about 3 billion yen. It's an acceptable expense if it's to win the duel. And it's confirmed not to violate the regulations!"

"...No one would ever waste like this! Most people have a limit of just one. How many did you install?!"

With bangs and thumps against the trees, the petite Mii-chan continued to advance like a billiard ball, bouncing along. Each time, she activated her secret strategies with a series of taps.

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