29 August 2023

Earth Dungeon 58.2


Chapter 58.2. Riverbank

"Grenade! Fall back, we can't defeat this thing with our current equipment!"

The infantry squad leader spoke in a firm tone, without asking for permission. He threw a grenade and yelled. An explosion occurred in front of Jiaolong, and amidst the billowing smoke obscuring their vision, the infantry unit began retreating while pulling their triggers.

"...Understood. [Five-Star Blade]."

Despite his response, Teru's lips curled into a faint smile, and he activated the Five-Star Sword's power by making all the gemstones on the sword glow. Blades of dazzling lightning shot out from the sword, collided with Jiaolong, and with a burst of purple lightning, the massive creature exploded. Dense steam rose, obscuring the surroundings with its intense heat.

"I did it! Look, I defeated Jiaolong!"

Teru was jubilant. Five Star Sword is an immensely powerful sword he wielded. Each embedded gemstone held a different attribute's power, and when released, it packed a powerful blow.

Aiming for the immobile Jiaolong behind the defensive wall, it must have taken all its strength to defeat it. The gems turned gray, and the sword was dimly covered by a faint light. Despite its self-regeneration, there was no doubt it would take at least a week to recover.

The soldiers remained vigilant, rifles at the ready, surveying their surroundings without relaxing their guard.

However, as the steam cleared, the water's surface surged, and Jiaolong's head resurfaced.

There was no blood in the water, no shattered flesh. Only water droplets remained, so it must have escaped using a skill related to duplication or magic.


"I thought I could defeat it with that. If it had been defended, we could have defeated it. Clever creature, isn't it?"

Teru responded with an unrepentant expression, transforming his briefly victorious face into a smirk. He turned on his heels and dashed away, pulling a Mana Potion from his pocket and drinking it. His mana must have depleted, as indicated by his actions.

While inwardly boiling with anger, though he appeared calm on the surface, Fūka couldn't help but think about how fast he could run. For now, escaping was the top priority. She too made a beeline back to the car.

"It's not just an ordinary monster! It's accurately assessing our attacks!"

The infantry unit continued to shoot automatic rifles, trying to suppress the gunfire. There was no evasion, and they created a defensive wall of water before them once more. Upon closer inspection, the water wall was moving vigorously, swirling intensely. It was a powerful defensive barrier built with high pressure. Although they switched to AP rounds for their rifles, the attacks still got blocked, and no signs of penetration were visible.

However, it seemed they couldn't disable the defensive wall immediately. Understanding this, the soldiers took turns shooting in groups of three to ensure a continuous barrage without letting it run dry during reload times.

"Such a formidable defense wall. I believed in your confidence to defend and withstand our attacks."

As the soldiers continued to engage, Teru opened the jeep's door and got in. Seated, Kiyoshi and Tatsuko-san had returned to their seats promptly.

"High-level monsters are clever and cunning. Haven't you learned that they can even evade the most powerful techniques if you don't find an opening to strike?"

While she wanted to express her discontent about wasting mana and guzzling precious Mana Potions like juice, Fuuka barely managed to suppress her irritation.

"Seeing is believing, after all. What's that saying? Actions speak louder than words?"

"I don't know!"

As the driver started the jeep, she turned pale, appearing as though she'd die. Jiaolong hadn't moved an inch amidst the storm of bullets from the automatic rifles, simply watching them. Fuuka felt relief.

"The watering hole is really dangerous, huh? I was surprised."

"...Indeed, that's right. I've come to realize that."

Dragon types are equipped with heavy weaponry, and it's dangerous if you're not well-prepared. Even if that was a serpent, the situation would be the same. The difference in strength is clear.

"I wonder. Should we ask Captain Marume to take care of that Jiaolong? We could provide support and make it a joint effort."

Defeating Jiaolong and collecting its materials would certainly count as an achievement. Dragon-type creatures like Jiaolong have scales and fangs that can be used for crafting equipment. However, the attitude of trying to claim another's achievements for oneself is nothing short of exasperating. This man is the worst.

"Captain Marume is cautious by nature. He probably won't comply with that request."

He even disliked leading the charge. He would respond to Teru's request vaguely and would not agree.

Feeling a wave of exhaustion, Fuuka slouched in her chair. Thinking about Teru's childcare responsibilities and suppressing her anger, she gazed out of the window.

As the car made a U-turn and distanced itself from the river, she suddenly realized. The explosion at the river. What was that? Without it, they might have been caught off guard and suffered significant damage.

"Did someone help us?"

The jeep sped into the forest, and in the vigorously shaking vehicle, Fūka recalled the events from earlier. They were engaged in combat against the Sahagin unit. The river was eerily calm, and since Sahuagin was a powerful monster, everyone was focused on the battle.

What if they had been ambushed at that moment? Most likely, we would have been fine. We know the capabilities of our armor. After all, even when hit by AP bullets at close range, it only leaves a slight dent. It seems to be armor obtained when they destroyed the Dragon's Dungeon, and its performance is terrifyingly high.

However, the soldiers are wearing Type 25 combat suits. They'd be easily killed by Jiaolong's attacks.

If it caused significant damage, our reputation would plummet. We decided to head to the watering hole.

Someone helped us. I want to express my gratitude for being saved, and more importantly, anyone who defeated the Sahagin would be of interest.

Looking around the car, Kiyoshi had already closed his eyes, folding his arms and grinning, while Tatsuko-san was holding her head, huddled up. If the person who saved us had engaged Jiaolong in combat. The possibility is low, but Fuuka subtly tightened her grip on the staff and focused her mana.

"Come forth, Sylph."

As she murmured, a small whirlwind briefly stirred and quickly dissipated. Fuuka closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair, seemingly tired.

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