11 August 2023

Dungeon Refrigerator 66


Shark On The Beach

Tsunami-san, who works at a massage parlor in a super public bath, left with such fervent bowing and apologies that it was almost embarrassing. Yeah, she may look really cool, but the difference is striking.

However, we had made a promise to exchange contact information for further practice sessions, so we had already swapped numbers. It's quite unbelievable, being given a woman's contact info on the beach.

Even after Tsunami-san left, I was still surrounded by beautiful college girls. Uh-huh, maybe today is going to be my day the whole time!?

"Well, let me show you one more time. Like this (swoosh), like this (swoosh), and like this (whoosh!)"

"Well... watching it seems really simple, but..."

So, what were we doing? At the earnest request of Nina-san, I was giving them a tutorial on Master's Footwork.

"Hmm, is it hard to understand? Alright, Serai-san. Stand in front of me for a moment."

"Like this...? Master."

Serai-san responds to her name and strikes a fighting pose, understanding the intent.

"Okay, stay like that for a moment. Now, Nina-san and Ruu, pay close attention. The first step involves subtly shifting the centerline while approaching your opponent (swoosh). That disrupts the opponent's sense of distance and shifts the centerline of the body that they're facing."

"I see..."

"Now, for the 2nd step. Here, shift your body to the side, closing in quickly but simultaneously evading the range where the opponent's powerful attack could hit. If we compare this to using a bat, it's like getting hit with the tip that has centrifugal force versus getting hit with the base that doesn't have that force. You get the idea, right?"

"True. If the opponent gets that close, it's hard to execute an attack as desired."

"Exactly. And finally, in the third step, while the opponent has moved away from your direct center, you position yourself facing them at an angle (whoosh!). That's the Master's Footwork combined with evasion, defense, and counterattack all at once."

"I see... When you explain it like that, it's quite amazing."

"Yes, it's impressive, Coach."

"Hahaha. Well, I'm just imitating the martial arts expert I learned from too."

Being praised as "impressive" by the beautiful college girls starts making me feel like a genuine instructor.

"Alright, once you get to the 3rd step, you can do whatever you want. What about that Spaaan!? How do you do that?"

Oops, it seems Nina-san is interested in the Palm-heel Strike I demonstrated a few times before.

"That's a special move. Yes, not with the palm, but like this, using the wrist bone on the pinkie side to strike the opponent. Yes, that's it!"

The Palm-heel Strike requires a bit of technique compared to a regular punch. But once you get used to it, you don't have to worry about hurting your fingers like with a fist, making it more practical than I initially thought. Furthermore, you can easily incorporate it into joint techniques by grabbing or twisting, offering a broader range of strategic options when compared to punches alone.

"Like this (swoosh)... like this (swoosh)... and like this (whoosh!)."

"Oh, Ruu. You're doing great. For the third step, please plant your feet firmly on the ground and deliver a powerful attack without panicking."

"Yes, thank you, Coach!"

Sigh, Ruu is such a good girl. She's really cute.

"Like this (swoosh)... like this (swoosh)... and like this (whoosh!)."

It feels like Nina-san easily grasped it in one shot, or is it just my imagination?

"Well, um... just don't focus too much on the Palm-heel Strike. Consider the size difference between you and your opponent. For example, if you're a woman facing a man, lifting the opponent's left arm in the 3rd step and delivering an Elbow Strike to their exposed side might be an effective attack..."

"Aww! I want to try too!"

Oops, Serai-san, who had been demonstrating, was a bit frustrated and eager.

"Alright, sure. Take your time with the attack, and Serai-san, try to move slowly and learn the technique thoroughly."

"Yes! Sensei! (Swoosh, swoosh, thwack!)."

"Yes, you're tensing up too much. If you're too rigid, when your opponent dodges, your body won't respond quickly enough for your next move (snap!)."

Saying this, I push her shoulder to upset her balance, and Serai-san, who was tensed, tumbles over.

"Eek! What a mean move, master!"

"It's not mean at all. It's the teacher's job to point out the disciple's shortcomings."

"Hahaha, Manami, you got schooled!"

"C-Co-Coach! Now it's my turn...!"

With Serai-san rolling on the sand, Ruu steps up in front of me.

"Ah, Riu. Take it slow and go step by step!"

"Yes, sir!"

"""Murmurs... murmurmur"""

"Hey... look at that..."

"Wow, that's amazing..."

Oops. The scene of a macho man and beautiful college girls practicing martial arts on the beach has once again captured the attention of those around us.


3:00 PM. The scorching sunlight of midday had mellowed slightly, and the beachgoers who had come for a swim were becoming sparse.

[Splash... splash...]


Ruu and her friends, who had worked up a sweat with their combat training, said they were going to fix their makeup and headed towards the beach house. They weren't particularly hungry after having nibbled on roasted corn and frankfurters here and there without even having lunch.

(Ah... what a fun time.)

Yeah, it feels like a dream.

Looking back to my days as a salaryman. Even on occasional days off, I'd be sleeping until close to noon, weighed down by relentless fatigue, and even if I went out, it would usually just be to the local ramen shop. 

And now, after spending the past few years like that, I find myself having an amazing day like this.

Thanks to Ruu, Nina-san, and Seraii-san. I'm truly grateful to them. Oh, and thanks to Tsunami-san for bringing that surprise. I was really surprised, and my eyes stung from the sand, but I had a much more enjoyable time than that.

[Splash... splash...]

(Ah, summer is already over.)

But this summer is great.

I got a cute girlfriend named Ruu, and I was able to go swimming with her friends Nina-san and Serai-san. 

I'm so glad to be alive.

[Karan, Karan...]

Oh, selling popsicles. What a nostalgic sound of bells. I haven't had an ice cream yet, so I'll have one.

"Hey there! Excuse me!"

"Hey! Wait... I had a feeling, but aren't you Junk?"

I saw someone wearing a straw hat, denim shorts, a white T-shirt boldly declaring "Summer", and holding a tray of ice candies. As she approaches, it becomes clear that she's none other than the sharp-tongued high school girl from the airsoft circle, Trident, Shark.

"What, Shark!? What are you doing here? Working part-time?"

Today is quite a coincidence, bumping into various acquaintances. Starting with Kei Myou, then Tsunami-san, and now even Shark.

"Well, not so much part-time work as helping out at home. Originally, my surname was Sharp, and people call me Sharp."

Yeah, well, this girl. Her look is fierce, and her personality is pretty rough, so it's not surprising that people call her Sharp.

"But last year, when I mentioned that I wouldn't be able to participate much because I'd be helping out at my family's beach house during the summer, I'm going from Sharp to Shark. Isn't that weird?"

"Hmm... so, you changed from Sharp to Shark due to your connection with the sea. Well, it's not a bad name. It's cooler than Sharp, like Snake or Shark. Animal-themed code names are cooler."

"Heh... you think so? Well, anyway, I don't really care. Oh yeah, you want an ice candy?"

"Sure. How much?"

"500 yen."

"That's expensive, come on!"


[Splash... splash...]


While gazing at the sea, I lick the ice candy alone like a gentleman. Ruu and the others still haven't returned. Well, they're girls, so taking time for grooming is normal.

Shark unexpectedly returns as I continue to quietly admire the setting sun on the coastline.

"Here, take this... as a token of my appreciation."

Saying this, Shark hands me freshly grilled squid. Come on, you're bringing grilled squid when I'm enjoying an ice candy. What's with that choice?


But I still take it and express my gratitude. The grilled squid is piping hot and steaming. Despite the beachgoers being few and far between now, did she specially grill this for me?

"Um, Junk..."


As I contemplate what to do with the just-received hot squid, Shark starts speaking in a slightly lower tone.

"You're strong, right, Junk? Strong enough to fight in dungeons..."

"Well... I'd say I could handle something like pillbugs or goblins. Anything more than that would require consultation."

"Alright, so, uh..."

"Hey, are you talking to another girl again?"

"Oh, come on! Ruu, you need to keep an eye on master! Don't let him chat up strange girls!"

"Yeah, I will!"

Just as Shark was about to say something, Riu and the others return, interrupting her.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Oh, nothing... By the way, where are you guys staying tonight?"

Although Shark was about to crouch next to me, she suddenly stood up and wanted to leave. She's also asking about our accommodation.

"I think it's Hotel Hatozuki."

"Oh yeah, I know that place. I might come over later to talk, so be ready!"

With that, Shark quickly runs off in the opposite direction of Ruu and the others, who have just returned.

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