03 May 2023

Loli Vtuber 83


Chapter 83. [Iroha's Resurrection]

My doctor showed me a black-and-white photo. I think this was taken with an MRA. The doctor points at the picture.

"You see? Here and here. And here. Blood is not flowing well. We think it's causing a mild lack of oxygen in part of your brain. Your current symptoms are probably the result of the accumulated damage."

I stare at the image.

"It looks like the blood vessels are thinning in the middle."

"But doctor, did I?"

"It's a bit of a surprise."

"Even I couldn't believe it at first. I thought you were joking when you said [I couldn't remember the cat's name.]. You don't like animals much, do you?"

"Well, it's not that I don't like them."

I don't want to be interrupted in my VTuber viewing.

Also, I don't want to sound too loud because of my abilities.

"Right now. It's still mild, and the symptoms are mild. It's not like you suddenly can't remember everything, so it's hard to feel threatened. But if it progresses any further."

Hearing the doctor's words, I suddenly felt my blood run cold.

No way. I'm going to forget about VTubers.

"Yes, that's right! Losing your memory isn't all bad. For example, I could enjoy the kamikai times again and again..."

As I said this, I also thought this was just an escape from reality.

The doctor shook her head.

"It's an interesting idea, but it's not so convenient. It's just an example, but I've had patients who tried to watch TV and forgot what was on just before, so they rewound it, reviewed it, and forgot it again in the middle.... they've had to repeat the process."

"So, you know..."

"I'm sure you're not going to enjoy it."

"Some parts of your brain that I need to examine more closely, but these cases are irreversible. Once the brain is damaged, it doesn't recover. And in 50% of cases, the disease will shift within 5 years, and full-blown onset will occur. If that happens... 5 to 10 years at most."

"...... Ha ha."

I was so shocked that I didn't have the strength in my body.

Too much power comes with a reasonable risk. I understand that.

But who could have foreseen that it would be so great?

Who would have thought there would be such a price to pay, even physically?

No, no. The signs were there.

I didn't want to believe them, so I kept turning away.


It's the same as in my previous life. Am I going to end up like this again, halfway through without seeing where this VTuber is going to end up?



The doctor's voice lifts my nodding head.

As if to dispel despair, the doctor said.

"That's only if you leave it alone. Iroha-can, you were very lucky this time. Thanks to your early detection, we can still stop the progression of the disease."

"Yeah.  What?"

"The already damaged brain itself never recovers. But there are cases, especially in younger people, where other brain's parts take over the function."

"Eh, er, that means... I'll be cured!?"

"Not exactly a cure, but don't worry. You will be fine if you continue to work with your doctor and take your medications."


I sighed loudly and sat there with a smile on my face.

I collapsed on the spot with a loud sigh.

You scared the hell out of me!

You could have told me in a more heart-friendly way!

"I'm sorry I scared you. But if I had made a mistake, it would have happened. So, Iroha-chan, you must never be too hard on yourself."

The doctor looks at my mom.

No way, you've conspired against me, mom!

No wonder I thought it was strange!

She doesn't even look like she's crying, even though her daughter has been told she has a few days to live!

"Huh... Oh, by the way, doctor, you said earlier [You still need to have a thorough examination]."

"That's right. I'll let your mother know that too. Do you know this part? It's probably because the blood isn't flowing well in other parts of the body, but on the contrary, there is more blood than usual concentrated in this area."

The doctor points to the MRA image.

But to me, the cause and effect seemed the "opposite".

If I compare, yes.

It was as if a giant tree was growing by sucking up all the nutrients from its surroundings.

"Doctor, what role does this part of the brain play?"

"Well, if I had to guess, I'd say the language area. I'm just checking, but you haven't hit this area hard, have you?

The doctor pointed to the area between his eyebrows.

Between the eyebrows...?

Instant flashback.

I remember the pitch-black muzzle pointed at it.

But that was in my previous life.

It should have nothing to do with my present.

"It's a result that this part of the language center seems to have been affected from front to back, from the frontal lobe to the temporal lobe and then to the occipital lobe."

The doctor pointed to my head in turn and said [Motor Language Center (Broca's area)], [Sensory Language Center (Wernicke's area)], [Visual Language Center].

I tilted my head, and she continued, "To put it simply.".

"It's where [the functions of speaking], [hearing voices], and [reading text] are located."

"What? That's .........."

--It's the same thing.

The same order in which my abilities went haywire.

First, I was speaking English without realizing it.

Next, foreign languages and animal noises were parsed on their own.

Finally, I could gesture and even lip-read.

"If you start taking medication, this will naturally improve, too."


I was so shocked by the doctor's words that I couldn't help but speak out.

Don't tell me you can cure that one with medication.

I had always thought my brain gets overloaded by my abilities running amok.

But the truth was the opposite.

I had always thought that my ability had gone out of control due to an abnormality in my brain, or that my ability had been manifested.

Is that a possibility?

"Just to be sure, just make sure this isn't the effect of something else... Then, let's start full-scale treatment."


And a few days later, I was back on my feet.

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