12 February 2023

Loli Vtuber 40


Chapter 40. [First Half Of The Quiz!]

The other participants then introduced themselves.

"Thank you very much. I'm very happy to hear that this project has grown so big. Please do your best to win the competition. Now, the next participant, please introduce yourself."

"'How are you doing, everyone? I'm everyone's big sister☆' I'm Monet Anegasaki☆" 

>I love Anegooooo!

>I love Anegooooo!

>I love Anegooooo!

Ah-nee is joining the show with me today.

We've been participating in many projects separately lately, so I'm worried!?

Are you okay, Ah-nee? I feel like she's going to do something.

My stomach hurts now!?

"So this is Anego-san. This is your second time participating in this project, right? The last time you joined, you became a legend in a sense. How are you feeling this time?"

"No, it's already perfect! Above all, Iroha-chan will be with me this time, so it's time to avenge the achievement test!"

"I'm going to make up for it. Ah-nee..."

"I'm anxious! According to our information, Anego-san has a history of losing badly in the scholastic achievement test project organized by Iroha-chan. Well, I am looking forward to seeing how this will turn out. The next participant is our regular --"

So I jumped in and participated in the quiz project without a second thought.

The VTuber moderator urged everyone to complete their self-introductions.

"--That's why I'm the moderator today. And over here is today's commentator. How are you doing? Do you think you can handle the commentary?"

"Oh, I think I can handle it!"

>Are you sure you're okay? wwww

>As usual, the glue is light www

>No one trusts her. www

"This time, there will be three stages, each consisting of a flip problem, a riddle, and a serious quick-push problem.  There is a chance to turn around until the end, so please don't give up halfway and keep fighting. I would be very happy if you could help me. Everyone, are you ready?"


"Let's get to it. The question!"

And so the quiz began.

"We'll start with the flip questions. The first question—"

*  *  *

Question. Please write "Wednesday" in English.

"Oops, there are a few adults in trouble here and there, are you okay? We're all here now. Let's check the answer."


"I see. Is the reading [Wednesday] correct? The other participant please do that too. Hmm, the answer is [Wednesday]. Anego-san, please."

"Woohoo, ...... [Wenseday]! This is the correct answer, nee."

"Oops! The answers are divided here. The reading seems to be the same. Let's look at Iroha-chan's answer at the end. Go ahead!"

"Well, it's [Wednesday]."

"Oh, there seems to be one out of the group. Will she score alone? The correct answer is [Wednesday]! Applause for the correct answer!"




>I knew it! ww

>Anego. www.

"So, commentary, please."

"Uyisu. The word "Wenseday" is said to have its origin in the Norse mythology of Odin. Odin, Odin, Odin, Od※□●. It's like Wenseday."

>That's not natural at all. wwww

>Please change it more properly. wwww

>What's going on in the middle? wwww

"Was this a little too easy? Except for one person. By the way, I don't think English is learned in elementary school, but Iroha-chan got it right."

"Thank you very much. In French, Wednesday is called 'Mercredi,' which comes from the Roman mythology of Mercurius <<Hermes>>, which is sometimes identified with Odin. It's connected."!"

"Is that so! From our information, Iroha-chan is also fluent in French."

"Hey, staff! You got the cast wrong! The answerer knows more than me who has the commentary!?"


>What the... wwww

>This Iroha kid is amazing.

"Also, we have English classes in elementary school now. I've just started taking English classes at my elementary school. I was right in the middle of it. Also, programming is now compulsory."



"Um, I'm feeling the generation gap right now." "What is programming? Is it a model or a photo job?"


>I didn't know that.

>Anego, wow, That's not a pro glamour. wwwwww

"Well, let's move on to the next problem. All the flip questions are done, so this will be a riddle question from here on."

*  *  *

Question. A certain Smith said.

"Bring me tools 1 through 5."

The apprentice, however, brought only three tools.

Why is this?

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