25 December 2022

Sure-Hit Archer 83


Battle Start

It begins with the demon's finger snap.

The demon snaps her fingers, and the devil bats appear again as a black haze surrounds me.

There are more of them than before.

Probably because she had them absorbed earlier, the number of devil bats she can produce at once has increased.

And the devil bats that appeared attacked me just as they did with the Dragon's Eye.


I shoot the transparent arrows that I created with [Magic Arrow] backward using the Dragon Tree Bow to distance myself from the demon and devil bats that come towards me.

But the devil bats change their trajectory just before the arrows hit them, and avoid the arrows.

But I was able to engulf a few of them.

After all, it's hard to hit a small opponent without [Lock-On].

But I knew that.



───Using the high-speed combat technique using the [Item Box], I put away the Dragon Tree Bow and ran toward the back where the number of reduced devil bats while slashing devil bats from one side to the other with my sprinting dagger.

And as soon as I start running, devil bats also jump toward me.


I dodge the devil bats' attack as I pass by them and slash at them as I pass by them.


The effect of [Kamikaze] has already worn off, but my full speed is still enough to escape from the devil bats.

"Magic Arrow, Multiple Lock-On."

After I had gained distance from the devilbats, I quickly [Multiple Lock-On], created three arrows with my [Magic Arrow], and then shot those arrows.


Due to the simultaneous attack from three directions, the devil bats could not dodge my attacks and returned to the black haze one after another and disappeared.


"Kah! That's great, great, great! I can't believe you defeated all of my creations!"

Perhaps the demon had misjudged my abilities, but her expression was a mixture of surprise and joy, a far cry from the cool-headed expression earlier.

"Don't get too carried away, or you'll get caught flat-footed."

"Oh? I'm not going to let you beat me."

The demon glares at me again with a cold expression on her face.

If this happens, I have no choice but to fight seriously. 

Then how do I pull the demon off of Rina's body?

If I were to defeat that demon now, Rina would die because she's using Rina's body to fight me.

Then, the only way to defeat the demon is to rip it out of her body and defeat it. Unfortunately, I don't have the tools or skills to do that.

"Hmmm ...... what should I do ......?"

"Hmmm. What are you worried? Are you trying to figure out a way to deal with me?"

She's on to me.

Well, that's obvious, isn't it?

"Well, yeah."

But that's okay.

It's easier because I don't have to act like I'm hiding it.

It's not just with the demon. But if I try to fight while hiding something from my opponent, I'm bound to come out on the wrong side.

In that sense, this situation is easier for me to fight.

"Oh, so there is. Then, why don't you let me out quickly?"

The demon provokes me with a smile on her face.

But even if I wanted to let it out, I can't do it. 

When you're possessed by ghost-type monsters like Rina now, it's common to use light or holy magic to tear them off or exorcise them.

Then you could ask a monk at a temple, a Shinto priest at a shrine, or a priest at a decent church to get the status and ask someone with the skills to do that kind of expulsion.

"Unfortunately, I don't have anything that useful. So let me try to buy some time this time, shall I?"

Well, saying something like this is usually a waste of time, and there's no way the demon would believe such words.

"So I'm sorry, but please bear it a little Rina! Magic Arrow!"

I shoot magic arrows to keep the demon in check.

And at the same time, I backstep further away from the demon.

Just as I had hoped, the demon takes evasive action after barely catching my magic arrows, and flies away with its wings flapping.

Well, invisibility isn't work in this scenario, so this is just a check.

"I know you're trying to buy some time. But it won't matter if I kill you first!!!!"

The demon exclaims and points her hands toward me.

Then a black mist comes out of the devil's palms, forming a kind of black sphere that gets bigger and bigger.

That was probably dangerous stuff.

I felt it intuitively.

"Magic Arrow! Multiple Lock-On!"

I immediately activated my [Magic Arrow], created multiple arrows, and fired them in rapid succession at the demon.

"You think you can hit something like that!"

But the demon evaded all the numerous transparent arrows I fired.

And although the demon avoids the transparent arrows. The transparent arrows, which have a must-hit effect due to [Lock-On], change their trajectory so that they track the demon.

"You're annoying me!"

The demon shouts irritably and points the black sphere at the transparent arrow that is still tracking the demon, and a dark-colored magic power blows out from the black sphere, repelling all the transparent arrows I fired at it like a shockwave.

"Seriously, ......?"

I involuntarily broke out in a cold sweat as the demon's strength was beyond my expectations.

But now I know how dangerous that black ball is.

"In addition to this magic, the ability to create devil bats and the ability to fly. That is pretty nasty."

I look at the demon and think hard about how I'm going to fight it.

And since the body belongs to Rina, I can't let her get hurt too.

......What? How do I fight this?

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