13 April 2024

Twilight Alchemist 56


56. Even If You Try To Make Easy Money, You Can't Beat Someone Smart, Isn't It?

"What? Kyle's village was attacked by monsters?"

The second son of the border count, Zaid Gandar Veilroad, raised his face gleefully at the sudden report that came amid boring chores.


The one who shouted was Jabir, the alchemist who had come to Zaid's room for another matter.

A highly skilled female alchemist who had become petite due to a failure with a rejuvenation potion.

"Be quiet, Jabir."

"S-Sorry. But Zaid-sama, we need to hurry and go help!"

Jabir panics. It's the first time I've seen him lose his composure like this, but Zaid sighs and speaks.


"Because there are soldiers here!"

"The soldiers here are for protecting this village. Why should they be dispatched for Kyle?"

"T-That's... But!"

"Quiet down for a moment, Jabir."

Zaid turns to the messenger.

"So, was the village completely destroyed?"

"No! They managed to repel the attack by themselves!"

"Hmph. Is that so..."

"What's wrong? You seem surprised."

Jabir pats his nonexistent chest, and Zaid shrugs his shoulders in disinterest.

"Were the monsters not that strong?"

"No, the rumor says there were over 300 Cockatrices..."



"Wait, that must be a mistake, right?"

"It's still just a rumor, so there's a possibility."

"Hmph. Then it must be a mistake. Go check for accurate information."

"Yes! I'll dispatch a squad! With your permission!"

"Permission granted."


The messenger salutes and dashes outside. The sound of hooves from the already prepared squad running echoes.

"Hmph. Cockatrices must have been quite troublesome, huh?"

"Yes. Each one could be dealt with by a decent adventurer, but I've heard their petrification breath is troublesome."

"If there were 3000 of them? Spare me the jokes. But petrification breath. If the soldiers got petrified in an instant, it would be a disaster."

"Oh, that's a misunderstanding."


"Petrification breath's effect depends on the amount of breath inhaled. Unless you inhale a large amount, it gradually petrifies from the limbs. If you inhale a small amount, the range and speed of petrification are slow."

"Is that so?"

"If it petrified instantly, the world would be under the reign of Cockatrices."

"That's true."

Jabir crosses his arms in front of his flat chest and thinks.

(As long as he's there, there shouldn't be a problem with petrification reversal or prevention potions, but the ingredients are a bit of a hassle. Well, would the adventurers in that town gather them easily? Either way, if a number like thousands comes up, I think it won't be enough.)

"Whatever it is, as long as Kyle-sama and the others are safe, it's fine. And also him."


Zaid returns to his seat without hiding his displeasure.

"More importantly, about the tax revenue! Why is it that despite so many inns springing up, decent tax revenue isn't coming in!?"

"It's not that little."

"Indeed, it's not little... But compared to the number of inns and traffic, it would be considered low!"

"I see..."

Jabir (Legal Loli) sighs blatantly at Zaid.

"The majority of the cargo passing through this town consists of goods from the Akindo Company."

"So what?"

"Now, who was the guild master of the inn guild in this village?"

"It would be Akindo, right?"

Jabir (Tiny Madame) lets out another deep sigh.

"That's right. If the carriages carrying goods for Akindo stay at Akindo's inns, wouldn't it be normal to offer them discounts?"

"......N-No! Is there such a stupid thing!? W-Why would that happen!?"

"It was Zaid-sama who approved the establishment of the inn guild for Akindo."

"Wh-You're blaming me!?"

"This could be considered a considerable achievement."

Jabir begins to explain with an annoyed expression.

"It could be said that you attracted many merchants to the borderlands, where nobody used to come."

"I see..."

(Their destination is Golden Dawn, so it wouldn't have much impact)

Jabir swallows the words that almost slipped out of his mouth.

"The scale of this village has also developed from its initial state. I think you can be proud of it."

"I see..."

Although Zaid seemed somewhat dissatisfied, he decided to end this matter for now.

"Then, we should definitely impose tolls."

"Zaid-sama, I've said this many times before, but that's a foolish plan within foolish plans."

"Why!?? Countless carriages are coming and going every day! Wouldn't the toll revenue alone be substantial!?"

"Th-That's why, even if we set up toll stations, they'll just take detours and avoid them."

"Can't you see that!? This place has already turned into a post town! Unfortunately! Is there even an option not to stop by in a village that can provide rare supplies in the midst of dangerous terrain!?"

Jabir (Looks like a little girl. But a genius in brains) sighs again, finding it ridiculous to count how many times it has been today.

"If you think about it normally, that's right. In dangerous borderlands, it's even harder to camp out. It's only natural for caravans that have been camping out for dozens of days to want to take a break."

"That's right, right!? Then if they have to pay tolls, they'd want to stop by!"

"Indeed. Several problems arise there."


"Yes. Usually, tolls get paid in cash or a percentage of goods."

"That's true."

"Now, most of the cargo that merchants are carrying in their carriages is volcanic ash and lime."


"If I were Akindo, I would insist that tolls be paid entirely in goods."

"What would happen then?"

"Then, outside of Golden Dawn, large amounts of volcanic ash and lime, which no one wants to buy with money, would pile up in the village."


It seems Zaid has finally grasped the situation.

"I've heard from her about how to make Alchemical Hardened Stone, so it's not impossible to utilize them."

"Then, why not sell them?"

"It's impossible. To do that, you need a certain number of alchemists. Gathering emblem-bearing alchemists, who are already scarce, is not only difficult but making Alchemical Hardened Stone here in this village would only result in it solidifying."


"Currently, the only option is to place alchemists where Alchemical Hardened Stone is used, bring in materials, and create it on site."

"Then, if Jabir uses it in this village..."

"I serve Zaid-sama under the condition that I'm allowed to pursue my research. Of course, I will help with such consultations, but..."


Zaid recalls his contract with Jabir and can do nothing but swallow his words.

"So, I'll return to my research. I have to examine the report from him."

"Wait! How are we supposed to increase tax revenue then!?"

"That is the lord's duty. I'll help you with that once the plan is more organized."

Ignoring Zaid, who was about to say something else, Jabir (Transformed Alchemist Little Girl) leaves the scene.

"Really... Zaid-sama, can't you grow up a bit more?"

While exhaling a sigh of relief, Jabir (Loli Grandma Little Girl) looks up at the empty sky.

"For some reason, I feel like I've been treated foolishly since earlier..."

It's in your imagination.

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