20 April 2024

Musou Slime 76


76. Kick Off Adversity

[Hey, what's with that sword...?]

[Looks pretty broken, doesn't it...?]

[Did it break before the fight...?]

In the next moment, the arena began to roar like a storm.

And no wonder. The sword I'm holding is snapped clean in half, with no tip.

With only about half the blade remaining, it's impossible to fight with this.

[What's with that sword, couldn't you prepare properly?]

[A sword breaking before the match is really shoddy craftsmanship.]

[Hey, isn't that Irena from the Dantzel Forge? She's always causing a ruckus, but can't even make a decent sword.]

The people in the arena voiced their questions and opinions. Some were mixed with insults directed at Irena.

Walking beside me, Irena just listened silently, in stark contrast to her usual noisy self.

I still don't know the cause of the sword breaking... but Irena probably feels partially responsible.

Even when I once accidentally broke a sword, she blamed it on her skill.

"Um... Arx Seirant, right?"

When I stepped onto the stage, the host apologized as he addressed me.

"Are you sure you want to proceed like this? That... sword seems to be in quite a state."

I can understand why he'd say that. I would have intervened if I were in his position.

As seen just now, this is a life-or-death battle. Approaching it with half-hearted preparation only increases the danger. Especially trying to fight with a broken sword.

But my determination is genuine. To make Irena the champion. So, I can't back down here.

"Let me continue. I don't mind what happens."

The host listened to my words and replied, "Understood," before resuming the proceedings.

"Next up, Entry Number 4! Team Shinden Workshop!"

Two opponents emerged from the gate, receiving cheers as they confidently walked.

Among them—probably, the adventurer, was someone I recognized.

A-class adventurer party, Hungry Beast's Elon. Clad in muscles akin to armor, he's feared by other adventurers for his intimidating appearance.

"Now, both players, please step onto the stage!"

Elon and I ascended the stage, facing each other. Elon glared at me with sharp eyes and smirked arrogantly.

"You, you're Arx from Slime Bastard, right?"

"Yeah, but how do you know me?"

"You're famous. Heard from Dan, there's a total incompetent in your party."

I'm used to this kind of taunting. Dan and the other party members have been spreading rumors about me.

"I saw that day too! When you were expelled from the party and beaten by Dan! Your cowardice was really laughable!"

Clutching his split belly, Elon burst into laughter, remembering the scene. So, he saw that too.

Honestly, being laughed at is irritating. I'd like to retort even a word.

But— I can do that in the match.

"Well then, let's begin the second match!"

Tension rises. Elon grips his black sword tightly, his smile deepening.

"Ladies and gentlemen, go!"

The declaration for the start of the match was made. Elon moved first.

With a confident expression, he grips his sword and rushes forward to close the distance.

"I'll finish the match in one go! My fame will skyrocket!"

Swinging his sword with a big wind-up, Elon attacked. I read the trajectory visually and shifted my position to evade.

"You got lucky! But how about this!"

Elon swings his sword even more, launching attacks with various trajectories as if cutting vegetables.

However, I can see through his movements. With minimal effort, I twist my body to evade successfully.

"You're just dodging around! You're still the cowardly Slime Field guy!"

Frustrated by not landing his attacks, Elon stomps the ground and howls.

"Then... how about this!"

Elon clenches his sword with both hands, his face contorted in anger.

The next moment, I see the black sword slowly changing to white.

No, to be precise, it's not the color of the sword that's changing. Something white is clinging to the sword. White, smooth, and yet sturdy.

The sword is clad in ice.

"What's that?"

"You don't even know that!? This is a magic sword. It can freeze surrounding enemies!"

A magic sword...? So, it means the sword itself has the effect of using magic, rather than imbuing magic power into the sword!?

"You seemed to have been avoiding by luck until now, but this sword can freeze the enemies around it! You can't escape now!"

With a cruel smile like a carnivorous animal hunting its prey, Elon charges at me again.

Freezing the surrounding objects means that approaching that sword would deprive it of heat. Since I shouldn't freeze my allies, the range of the effect is probably something Elon can control freely.

Well then, I need to settle this match quickly.

"Hahaha! Take this!"

As Elon comes right in front of me, he jumps up and swings his sword vigorously. It seems like he intends to split my helmet.

Did he not consider that I might counterattack here? There's a big opening, practically inviting me to attack.

"Take this!"

And so, I swiftly kick Elon in the abdomen. I feel the bumpy sensation of his abs against the sole of my foot, and a solid impact.


The next moment, Elon exhales forcefully as if vomiting and is sent flying against the wall like metal attracted to a magnet.

As he goes out of the stage, he tumbles like doing somersaults and collapses face down.

"Why... how..."

Of course. I'm level 43, after all.

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