14 April 2024

Loli Vtuber 260


Chapter 260. [Aka Supa Festival]

I spun the gacha.

Tickets ran out, so I spent more.

Still not enough, I spent even more.


"Yay~! Look, everyone! I got the highest rarity! Aww, so cute~!"

I was ecstatic seeing one of my oshis I finally got.

Man, it felt like it took forever, but it was worth it...


≫Iroha-chan, that's the pity counter

≫What was the drop rate again?

"Huh? No way. I love my favorite so much, it should've come out more."

≫Calculate the current spending

≫Considering duplicates, how much will it take to get Ogu?

≫I'm getting a bad feeling

"No-no-no, it's okay! I have multiple credit cards, I'm fine..."

I kept sweating, spinning the gacha to get Angu Ogu this time. But the highest rarity never showed up.

By the way, pulling the same character enhances its performance...

In no time, all the normal rarities were maxed out.

And before I knew it...

≫Welp, pity counter again...

≫These pulls are ridiculous lol

≫I used to think I wasn't unlucky until I met Iroha-chan.

"Ugh, enough! It's just two pity counters! It could happen due to probability fluctuation, right!?"

≫Your voice is trembling lol

≫Also, it's insane how many duplicates you're getting.

≫By the way, I got three highest rarities on the first 10-pull. Including Ogu, of course.

"The one who commented now is definitely unforgivable... Wait, what!?"

Uh-oh, feeling nauseous.

Honestly, I didn't expect to get this deep into it.

But unlike my past self, I have the power of money now.

So, yeah, I want to believe this is just a scratch.

"I-I'll pull again. It's okay, me. I'll definitely get it someday..."

So, I kept spinning the gacha.

But the wave of luck never came...



I was groggy in front of my streaming PC.

I've spent too much, things are getting confusing.

≫Iroha-chan's breaking, lol

≫Well, can't help it with this outcome

≫How many times did you hit the pity counter?

≫And you still haven't got Ogu

≫Too many duplicates, huh?

≫If it was the highest rarity for other characters, they'd all be maxed out

Some streamers might find this situation "rather lucrative." But I had reasons why I couldn't.

"Oh no, oh no... What should I do!? Mom's calling again!?"

My phone had been vibrating non-stop.

The display was filled with missed calls from my mother.

≫Iroha-mom's too scary, lol

≫Someone calculate the probability of not pulling this much and make a meme

≫Expected value-wise, you should get it after spending ¥80,000, but...

This isn't right, it shouldn't be like this.

I've already spent who knows how many tens of thousands of yen.

I don't want to imagine what kind of scolding awaits me from my mom if I keep gacha-ing.

But I still haven't pulled the Angu Ogu I'm aiming for.

≫Isn't this getting too risky?

≫But still, no Ogu

≫Aren't you accumulating exchange items by now?

"Huh?... Whoa! I-is that true!?"

When you pull a character you've already maxed out, it converts into special items.

And before I knew it, I had enough of those.

Did I really spend this much on gacha already?

≫Only Iroha-chan could accumulate this many exchange items on release day lol

≫It's never-ending, but is it time to exchange for Ogu?

≫Took forever, lol

"Guys... Right, I guess I can call it quits now."

I muttered to myself.

It's been a long and tough battle. But now, the calls from my mom might stop.

Yeah. I guess I've developed some affection for this.

Now, I'll slowly nurture this highest rarity Angu Ogu.

≫But, won't that prevent you from maxing out Ogu'?


That chat was the trigger.

The flow of comments in the chat changed instantly.

≫Certainly, it's half-hearted like this.

≫Is it just about quitting because Iroha-mom got mad, or is it about love for Iroha's Ogu!?

≫'Rather than retreat, spin the gacha'.

"No-no-no!? I did plan to aim for maxing out at first, you know? I never thought it'd come to this! But, anymore..."

≫¥10,000 for gacha.

≫¥10,000 First Spa Chat. Spinning for Iroha-chan♡

≫¥20,000, double down

"Just wait, is 'Red Spa' okay for the first chat!? Guys, calm down! ¥10,000 is a lot of money!? And also, I'm already!?"


≫¥10,000, no comment

≫¥10,000 Won't stop Red Spa until Iroha spins the gacha!

"Not even a comment for throwing Aka Supa!? Don't you want your comments read!? And why specifically write 'no comment' for Aka Supa!? There must be something else to write, right!? Also..."

While reacting, more and more Red Spas were coming in.

I realized.

There's no escaping from this flow!!!!

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