04 April 2024

Genius 22


Chapter 22. Monster Extermination

The evaluation around Katia was lost due to the actions of Prince Aster.

To regain it, Katia and Hermes headed east upon receiving a request from Jurgen.

Their destination: a small village on the border.

They were tasked with exterminating a horde of monsters that had been recently ravaging the village.

"But, the village we're heading to now is within Count Norkia's territory, right? Why doesn't Count Norkia handle it himself?"

"Well... If we think about it normally, it's probably because the monsters are beyond the Count's ability to handle..."

The carriage carrying the two of them was about to arrive at the village. Hermes and Katia were about to explain the background of this request when...


A high-pitched scream of a girl echoed.

Instantly, they peeked out of the carriage and located the source of the voice.

There, they saw a girl of about ten being chased by several dark shadows resembling monsters.

"Hurry, Hermes!"

"Got it, I'll stop them. Katia-sama, prepare your incantation while I do."

Undoubtedly, those dark shadows were the monsters targeted for extermination in this request.

Both of them leaped out of the carriage simultaneously. Hermes enhanced his physical abilities with general strengthening magic and swiftly reached the girl under attack.

Just in time, he rescued the girl from the monster's assault and activated a barrier using the same general strengthening magic.

By halting their progress with the barrier, the true nature of the monsters was finally revealed.

"I see, Hounds."

Hounds. Monsters with ferocious faces and bodies resembling wolves but slightly smaller than usual.

Their major characteristics were twofold. They hunted in packs and were extremely cautious.

They exhibited highly coordinated actions, yet, due to their collective hunting behavior aimed at minimizing casualties, the more there were, the more troublesome they became.

Terrifying as they were, their caution prevented them from taking reckless actions, thus sparing the village from destruction until now.

"Um, uh..."

"Sorry, just a little longer."

The girl, looking up from Hermes' arms, let out a small scream upon seeing the Hounds attempting to break through the barrier.

He comforted her by gently patting her head.

"Just stay down. It's okay, those monsters... my master will defeat them."

Immediately after.

"Bloodline Magic... [Soteira Trivia]!"

Katia's voice came from behind. The Bloodline Magic, with its incantation completed, unleashed spiritual masses one after another on the monsters.

Katia's Bloodline Magic was greatly influenced by the caster's emotions.

She hadn't realized this before, which led to difficulties in handling it properly. However, under Hermes' guidance, improving mental control during usage has been gradually overcoming this flaw.

Likely, its current power could rival that of an upper-class noble's.

The magic struck the Hounds, and their dying screams echoed.

However, as expected, some of them managed to evade direct hits and, though injured, attempted to retreat immediately.

He wasn't going to let them escape. It was his job to take them down.

"Hermes! I'll handle the rest!"

Katia's voice resounded. Hermes, in response, attempted to activate general strengthening magic.

"...No, let's try something. Since we're at it."

With a mischievous smile, Hermes activated his [Emerald Tablet], focused his breath, and recited.

"'At the eve of the apocalypse, sing of peace, for dawn shall never come here again. The world of salvation shall appear behind the current reality' Spell Reproduction. [Soteira Trivia]!"


Katia gasped behind him.

Before them, Hermes fired off spiritual masses, as if replicating the scene just moments ago.

They hit the fleeing Hounds accurately, sealing their fates once and for all.

"Hmm, the power still feels inadequate compared to the original."

Hermes murmured as he examined his palm as if to confirm the sensation.

He has been continuing his analysis of Katia's Bloodline Magic. The results have been gradually improving, and now he could imperfectly activate the magic like this.

However, it was still incomplete. Whether it's due to the fidelity of the spell reproduction or other things.

"Moreover, summoning the lingering emotions of the deceased and converting them into magical masses... is that truly the effect of the 'Realm of Salvation'...?"

As he muttered, contemplating the discomfort that had emerged during his research.

"Hermes, are you still studying magic even at a time like this?"

With an incredulous expression, Katia rushed over.

"It's appreciated that you're diligent, but we're on a mission now. Prioritize defeating the enemy. Well, I guess since we did defeat them, I can't complain."

"My apologies. I thought it was a chance to test it out in combat."

He returned a wry smile to her earnest words.

Then, at the same time, a rustling sound came from behind in the bushes.

Turning their gaze, they saw a swarm of Hounds, several times larger than before, emerging from the forest. They seemed wary but directed a definite hostility toward them.

"...Ah, it seems we've drawn attention from earlier."

"Yes, but it's convenient. So, it's our chance since Hounds are cowardly monsters now that they still have the will to fight."

"Indeed. It'd be troublesome if they ran away, so it's better to defeat them all now. But the problem is..."

Katia glanced at the girl in Hermes' arms.

There was no time to evacuate her if they were to fight now, facing the monsters that had just targeted her.


Contrary to expectations, the girl's eyes sparkled as she looked at them.

"...Seems like you've gained a fan of your magic, Katia-sama."

"D-Don't tease me. You're one to talk to. But, I guess this should be okay."

"Yes, indeed. Hey, sorry to ask, but could you hold onto me? We're going to defeat these monsters now."


The girl eagerly nodded as if to say she wanted to see that magic again.

Returning another wry smile, they activated magic against the approaching Hounds.

Soon, the monsters completely got wiped out.

The mission to exterminate the monsters plaguing this village, strangely enough, was completed before we even entered the village.

"Thank you so much!"

Hermes and the others entered the village belatedly. After reporting and confirming at the village chief's house, it turned out those Hounds were the monsters requested to be exterminated.

"Thank you for helping Lina as well. I really don't know how to thank you enough...!"

The girl from earlier, now bowing deeply with them, seemed to be the village chief's granddaughter.

"This big brother and big sister were amazing! When they said some difficult words, purple light went 'boom'!"

The girl, still excited from witnessing the battle, energetically explained the fighting scenes to the village chief with gestures and expressions.

While her enthusiasm was heartwarming, on the other hand, Katia, with a serious expression, questioned the village chief without paying attention to it.

"...May I ask one thing, Village Chief?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"I believe you already know, but this village is within Count Norkia's territory. Naturally, at first, you sought assistance from Count Norkia, right?"

"Uh, yes. But this time, instead, you, the Duke's household, came..."

"Do you know why that happened?"

Indeed, the Hounds they just exterminated were troublesome monsters. There were quite a few of them.

However, if you were a bloodline magic user, they shouldn't have been monsters beyond your ability to handle.

In other words, it wasn't because the monsters were too much for the Count to handle that they were passed on to the Duke's household.

Then why? In response to that question, the village chief answered with a pained expression.

"It's just that... initially, the Count had plans to assist while managing his busy schedule."

"!? Then why..."

"We were expecting him to come a week ago. But the day before, we received this letter. Ah, here it is."

The village chief took it from the shelf, showing it to Katia and Hermes.

The contents were brief. "Due to urgent matters in the capital, I can't assist. Please manage on your own for a while."


"Ah... I see now."

They both realized simultaneously.

A week ago. That was exactly when the celebration party was held to commemorate Katia's achievements.

"...I believe he attended it. Count Norkia was also at that party."

Not only that, if Hermes' memory served correctly, he was one of the nobles who actively pursued a marriage proposal with Katia during that time.

In other words, the Count had this mindset:

"Maintaining connections with noble families is more important than saving a remote village."

Due to this mindset, the village faced considerable danger. One life was about to be taken right then.

They must have spent considerable effort in defending against the monster attacks. The villagers they saw earlier seemed somewhat exhausted.

"Protecting the people is the duty of nobles. Yet—!"

Katia, reaching the same conclusion, expressed her anger openly.

Hermes placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, and after exhaling a sigh, she regained some composure.

"I'm sorry, I lost my composure."

"N-No, it's..."

"You've been through a lot, enduring all this. And from now on, we won't let such things happen again, I promise."

"Indeed. It would be appropriate to report this to the Duke. He should have anticipated something like this."

"Yes. So, if something similar happens again, ask for help from Trakia first. We will absolutely not abandon you."

Katia's resolute declaration, with her gaze unwavering.

Seeing this, the village chief, who had been tense until now, broke down in tears of gratitude.

"...Thank you... so much...!"

While crumbling, they uttered those joyful words.

That was Hermes and Katia's first mission received from Jurgen.

It revealed the contradictions within this country while also earning success and trust, bringing it to a close.

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