25 March 2024

Twilight Alchemist 46


46. Troubles Always Seem To Arise From Unexpected Place, Isn't It?

My name is Ed! I'm an orphan!

Raised by Sister Azure at the orphanage of the church.

At first, there were many companions at the orphanage. But because of various reasons, we ended up being just four of us.

I'm Ed, a wolf beastman; Saika is a rabbit beastman; Kai is a red panda beastman, and Wamika is a cat beastman.

I don't really know the details, but Sister Azure became a priestess, and we were supposed to move to a frontier settlement.

Initially just a riverbank with nothing much, it quickly grew into a big town!

I've never seen anything like that before!

Of course, we helped too!

Eventually, a splendid church and orphanage were completed, and we live there now.

Thanks to Craft-oniichan, we were able to receive magic training, but I wasn't very good at it.

Adventurer brothers taught us, but wolf and rabbit beastmen aren't very good at magic.

Feeling down, they taught me swordplay instead.

One day, Craft-oniichan apologized for secretly using amazing stamina potions for us.

I don't know why he apologized, but I forgave him!

I really like Craft-oniichan!

So, he taught us how to use those legendary potions.

If we can become stronger with them, there's no problem, right?

We spent our days helping the town and the church, but then we were told to attend school.

I didn't want to study at first, but there are many friends my age, and the food is delicious, so I go regularly.

Plus, Craft-oniichan taught us there too.

Life in the new Golden Dawn settlement is very enjoyable.

Sister Azure seems busy. But she looks happy, so it's all good.

"Now, let's convene the 368th Round Table Conference! Is everyone ready?"

"I've said it many times, Ed. Where is this Round Table?"

"It's in our hearts!"

"Also, we haven't done it 368 times, have we?"

"It's the count of our souls!"


Saika, the rabbit beastman, sighs as he looks at me. We grew up together at Sister Azure's orphanage, but she's got this cheeky side to her, you know!

Today, we begged the adventurer guild brothers and participated in training. Since stamina potions were prohibited today, we're all exhausted, but now we have an important mission to discuss, the Ed-Saika-Kai-Wamika Adventure Team!

"Hey, Wamika! Don't fall asleep!"


Wamika is too laid back.

Maybe it's because she's a cat beastman?

But then, Mike at the adventurer guild reception was sharp and on point.

Hmm, maybe it's just Wamika's personality.

"Wamika, you should wake up. Ed will get mad again."


Gently shaking Wamika with a timid attitude is Kai, the red panda beastman.

I heard from Sister Azure that red panda beastmen are very rare. I haven't seen anyone else besides Kai.

I'm a wolf beastman, also quite rare.

Sister Azure once told me our species are strong beastmen, so we should be strong and dignified.

Of course, I'm trying my best to become strong. But Kai seems unable to overcome his fear.

"Enough! Pay attention!"

"Yes, yes. Please continue."

Damn it. Saika's attitude really gets on my nerves. 

"I understand everything, okay?" 

But yes, we need Saika to keep things organized.

"Alright, let's announce the first adventure of the Ed-Saika-Kai-Wamika Adventure Team after formation!"

"Hey Ed, can't we change that name?"

"What's wrong? It'd be weird if everyone's name isn't there, right? Kai, you agree?"

"Well... It's nice, but maybe a bit confusing..."

"Oh yeah? If you have another name in mind, let me know."

"We've already brainstormed this before. Something like Dragon Adventure Team."

"I thought Dragon Adventure Team was good..."

"Craft-oniichan's horse, right? That's why we dropped it."



"Stop it. We're not Persia-san."

After various discussions, we ended up more confused. For now, we're sticking with the Ed-Saika-Kai-Wamika Adventure Team.

If we keep worrying about the name, my head will explode.

"Alright, that's fine. Let's move on, shall we?"

"Why does Saika always act so superior?"

"If Ed were a bit more responsible, maybe this wouldn't happen."


"Alright, let's move on."

Why am I always being outsmarted by Saika?

"So, the first grand adventure of our team is to go into the woods and defeat some Orcs!"

"Oh? Then I'll talk to Jitaro-san."

"Idiot, that's not it. We're going alone!"



"I want snacks."

Saika and Kai blurt out random comments, and Wamika somehow produces biscuits from somewhere. Nice.

"Wait, Kai. Are you suggesting we should bring adults with us?"

"Then it's just a picnic!"

"Craft-san, Jitaro-san, and the other adventurers might think it's a picnic, but when will they realize our 'picnics' are quite dangerous?"

"Is that weird?"

"Hmm, it's nothing. Probably, this town's picnics turn out like this..."

I don't really understand what Saika is trying to say.

A picnic is supposed to be going to a nice place with lunch, right?

But since the forest is dangerous, it's not a picnic unless adults come along.

I'm not stupid, so for our first adventure, we'll aim for the big rock we always play near.

In other words, without adults, it's an adventure!

"I see. I get what Ed is saying. What do you two think?"

"It's dangerous! There are lots of monsters there!"

"Sounds fun~"

"One for, one against."

"I'm strongly for it, so count me as two."

"I don't get it. Two for... well, fine. I think we'll be okay with just us now."

"Saika-chan, are you really for this?"

"Well, Ed seems to have thought about it. Besides, we've been to the big rock many times."

"Okay, if Saika-chan thinks it's fine, then I guess it's okay."

"Kai, try to have your own opinion."

Even though Saika says that, his expression shows he's all in.

"Alright! That's everyone in favor!"

"It's settled! Since tomorrow is a day off from school and helping at the orphanage, let's leave first thing in the morning!"

"Ed, it's okay to defeat monsters, but don't hurt animals, alright?"

"Yeah, got it."

I don't quite understand, but apparently, for animals you can eat, you need to use something called a License To Hunt, which seems to require a strong punch. I've never seen Jitaro-san use it, but he probably can.

"The goal of this adventure is to defeat Orcs and get magic stones! Let's give them to Sister Azure!"

"Sounds good. I'm getting excited."

"I'll do my best too!"

"Let's do it!"

As soon as Sister Azure's name was mentioned, the three of us showed immediate enthusiasm. We should've said this from the beginning!

We secretly transferred the legendary stamina potion we got from Brother Kraft from barrels to water skins, and also prepared healing potions and cure potions.

"Craft-oniichan said we can use them as much as we want."

We'll use these when the time comes to escape if necessary.

While maintaining our weapons, we prepared for tomorrow.

When guided to the guild master's room, Guildmaster Synos of the Adventurer's Guild spread out a map and got straight to the point.

"There is currently a large number of Cockatrices confirmed in this area."

Though his tone was calm, his complexion was pale.

The area pointed out by the guildmaster was close to town and quite extensive.

"It's quite close to the town and extensive. Are they spread out thinly but widely?"

"Regarding the outskirts, yes. However, in the central area, there are so many that approaching is impossible, and the details are unknown."

"They have that petrifying breath. Without resistance, it's dangerous. Would Raidoc's resistance hold?"

"For a light exposure, yes. But if the breath intensifies, it would be problematic."

"I see."

Simply put, if the breath exposure increases, even we, trained B-rank adventurers, can't neutralize petrification.

"Still, Cockatrices are troublesome on their own, but a large outbreak? Tell me the total number. Even an estimate is fine."

"Due to the inability to approach, there's quite a range... but..."

"Even so, without even an approximate number, we can't plan."

"That's true. From multiple adventurers' reports, probably a thousand... or possibly exceeding five thousand..."

"Five thousand!? Goblins don't even increase like that!"

"Goblins occasionally do, but confirming Cockatrices in the thousands is unprecedented. Human habitats are still limited compared to the continent, so deeper areas likely have unbelievable numbers."

"In other words, just because we humans haven't confirmed it doesn't mean thousands of Cockatrices aren't normal in this world. Is that it?"

"I can't deny that."

This is a headache-inducing situation. Indeed, expanding the adventurers' ranks and boosting our strength is necessary.

I thought we had this covered by building this fortress...

"Still, it's abnormal. What's the possibility of a Cockatrice flock reaching the town?"

"Uncertain. It seems our continued hunting in the shallow parts of the forest may have altered their territories."

"They were pushed out from deep inside, and their territory expanded?"

"It's a possibility."

We need to respond to this promptly.

"Alright, I'll discuss it with Kyle from now on. You all, think about countermeasures."


"For now, start mass-producing petrification prevention potions. Also, prepare petrification removal potions just in case. They are a kind of curse, so cure potions won't work."

"If you need specific ingredients, let us know. We'll go hunting immediately."

"I'll consolidate and inform you later."


This will be a race against time.

After parting ways with them, I rushed to Kyle's residence.

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