29 March 2024

Shop 64


Chapter 64. Archbishop In The Wilderness

■■■ <Archbishop> Bren von Ramasainos ■■■

It all started with a letter addressed in an unfamiliar manner, 'Mouton Leitia'.

Her position is that of a priest.

Why must I, Archbishop Bren von Ramasainos, read a letter from such a lowly person?

The reason is clear from the wax seal pressed onto parchment.

It signifies the emergence of a highly important matter.

Whoever sent this in such a busy time is a fool. Ah, Mouton Leitia, I'll remember that. And I'll make sure to expel them from the church.

I feel like throwing this parchment into the fireplace, but it is undoubtedly a document of utmost importance. I cannot simply ignore it. If its contents are trivial, expulsion from the church won't be the end of it—I'll have their head.

Do the youngsters these days not understand such things? Perhaps it's time for a tightening of discipline throughout the church.

However, we have neither the time, budget, nor personnel for such measures.

I sigh as I carefully open the parchment sealed with horsehair and wax. As I read through, expecting nonsense, with each line my blood seems to drain from my brain, leaving me pale and trembling by the time I finish reading.

Ridiculous, unbelievable.

It explicitly stated, "A new apostle of the god has appeared".

Who in their right mind would spout such nonsense!?

I pound the table in anger.

Ah, Leitia. I need to do something. That warrants death. I must deliver divine punishment in the name of the god.

Our Pope, representing the earth mother goddess Aigas is supposed to be the apostle.

We preach this.

The sun god Heoris and the moon goddess Termias are the same.

All three major gods proclaim their leaders as apostles.


Yes. It's only upon becoming Archbishop I learn the truth. Our Pope is no apostle. Likely, neither Heoris nor Termias has an apostle. As for other gods, they undoubtedly don't exist. If they did, we would have the 'Four Major Gods'.

And this is supposed to be an apostle?


I read and reread the parchment several times.

The name of the new goddess is Merhes.

Apparently, she's a goddess of commerce named Melhes.

How mundane—a god of commerce.

And the youth named Akira, claiming to be the apostle of Merhes, wishes to dedicate a symbol.

According to Priest Leitia's assessment, it is likely an engraved item with some power.

Ridiculous. I won't stand for such nonsense.

He must pilgrimage to all three pillars—the aforementioned major gods—to dedicate the symbol.

If this is true, we will witness the birth of a new god. While there are concerns regarding Heoris and Termias, if we make this happen and acknowledge this new god's creation, we may gain further divine status.

It's likely a 99% mistake, but if by some chance this is true, it's an issue we cannot ignore. Currently, only the Aigas Church knows the truth. It's best to keep this close for now.

However, I can't do anything in the desolate wilderness to the west.

That's not a decision I can make alone. I down my wine in one gulp, gather my resolve and clutch the parchment tightly as I stand up. Walking out into the hallway, I head towards the room where the bishops offer their prayers and approach the eldest bishop.

"Bishop, I must meet with His Holiness immediately. Please relay the message."

"Now? Immediately?"

Normally, even for the briefest of meetings with His Holiness, one would schedule an appointment at least a week in advance.

"Yes, a highly urgent matter has arisen."

"His Holiness is about to retire for the night."

"It's fine, I'll take full responsibility."

"Understood. Right away."

The bishop, much older than I hurries towards the Pope's residence.

I kneel on the spot and begin to pray to the earth mother goddess Aigas.

Unbeknownst to me, the other bishops were observing my behavior with curious eyes.

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