12 March 2024

No Damage 5


5. Become A Trump Card Against The Demon Lord

Hmm, the attacking role does look cool.

I felt that way while remembering Lillith's figure from earlier.

"If I'm going to receive skills anyway, maybe having the strongest attack power instead of the strongest defense power would have been okay."

But that's a bit too much of a luxury.

Even if I get hit by a Dragon Breath that turns everything around me into ashes, or get struck by claws or tail, I remain completely unharmed.

It's an astonishing defense power.

Truly invincible.

Yeah, I take back what I said earlier.

Maybe this skill was the right choice after all.

"We defeated the dragon...!"

Lillith lowered her staff, murmuring in astonishment.

The arrowhead-shaped part attached to the tip of the staff - the Magic Missile - shattered simultaneously with the spell she cast earlier.

It seems to be a disposable type of item.

"Thank you. Um..."

Lillith looked at me, hesitating.

"We haven't properly introduced ourselves yet. I'm Lillith Lafiel. And this is my sister, Alice. We're twins."

"I'm Alice. We're both adventurers. Nice to meet you~"

The two of them introduced themselves.

"I'm Haruto Reva. I attend the senior division of this town. I'm a second-year student."

I returned the introduction.

"Being in the senior division means we're the same age as you two."

"Again—thank you, Haruto. We could defeat the dragon thanks to you drawing its attention."

"That dragon's attention was completely on Halt-san. Thanks to that, my magic item's magic charge ended smoothly." 

Alice said with a smile.

Lillith expressed her gratitude, and Alice smiled warmly.

Well, the dragon must have been quite surprised.

Humans, no matter how many full-power attacks they endure, don't receive a single scratch.

"In any case, to face a dragon's breath or claw and tail strikes so calmly... Who are you? Is that some high-level defense magic or something?"

Lillith looked at me with great interest.

Up close, she was truly a stunning beauty.

Her golden hair tied in twintails sparkled beautifully in the sunset.

Her well-proportioned face exuded determination and vitality, yet also an aristocratic elegance like a princess.

Her breathtaking beauty was enough to make the surrounding scenery seem hazy—a beauty of unparalleled beauty.

I suddenly became flustered.

"Is something wrong, Halt?"

Lillith tilted her head curiously.

Even that gesture was cute, and it only increased my flustered state.

"Your face is red, Haruto-san? Could it be a residual effect from the dragon's breath...!?"

Alice looked at me with concern.

She was just as cute as Lillith.

In contrast to Lillith's determined personality, Alice exuded a soothing aura like a healing type of beauty.

"No, no, I'm fine..." 

I decided to play it off casually because admitting the truth would only make me more embarrassed.

"Well, um... I blocked the dragon's attack with that. It's a defense magic I got from a Goddess—"

I stopped myself mid-sentence.

Is it okay to reveal this to anyone?

I haven't been told to keep it a secret, but I haven't been told I can share it.

Plus, she's a Goddess, so it might be better not to reveal it carelessly.

"No, yeah, it's a defensive magic. Even though I've never learned magic, I suddenly awakened to it during the fight earlier. Maybe I have some talent, haha..." 

I casually brushed it off.

I'm not confident that I managed to deceive them properly.

"A magic that can block a dragon's attack even though you're a novice... huh."

Lillith stared at me intently.

She's suspicious of me, huh?

Just when I thought that,

"Hey, Haruto. Would you like to become an adventurer too?"

I suddenly got invited.

"You know that the world is threatened by magical beasts, right?"

"Yeah, I've heard about towns being devastated by magical beasts attacks."

I nodded.

For about a hundred years now, monsters called magical beasts have been appearing in this world.

Not much is known about them.

They suddenly appear from a dimension called the Demon Realm, destroy people, towns, and everything in their path, and then return to their dimension after some time.

They possess combat abilities and supernatural powers far beyond humans, and when they become powerful magical beasts, they have the strength of a whole country's army.

There are unique precursors when they appear, and alarms are raised based on them.

However, they can still attack unexpectedly, and towns getting ambushed like this one aren't uncommon.

Warriors who stand against such magical beasts—those are called "adventurers."

Originally, they were literally adventurers who explored various ruins and dungeons, but among them were those with exceptional combat skills.

They began to confront magical beasts that started appearing a hundred years ago, leading the charge, and eventually, adventurers became synonymous with those who exterminate magical beasts.

"To fight against magical beasts, the Mercenary Guild is recruiting strong individuals from all over the world. Your power will surely be needed to protect many people." 

Lillith said, gripping my shoulders firmly.

"But me!?"

"Invincible defense magic that withstands a dragon's attack without a scratch. You might even become a trump card against the magical beasts—or perhaps, even against the Demon Lord."

However, being a trump card against the Demon Lord.

Isn't that... a massive overestimation of me!?

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