19 March 2024

Introverted Archer 61


61. Rational Transfer!

"If the points granted are the same for all teams, then without a doubt, the Blue Team will be the first target." 

I said in front of Hina and the others on the day I went to submit my enrollment form after hearing the rules of the sports festival.

"Yes, yes, yes! Eimu-kun, a question! Why is that?"

"Hina, think about it. Which is more rational to study: a subject where you can score 100 points in 30 minutes or a subject that takes a week?"

"Of course, the one that takes 30 minutes! Time is limited, so it's natural to prioritize the easier one to scoreーah!"

Yes, the Blue Team is weak and has fewer members. If they can be taken down quickly but still get the same points, then the Red and White Teams should come to attack first.

And indeed, many enemies are gathering at the Blue Team's base.

"Now, I'm first! I'll be the leader of the Blue Team!"

"Hey! There are also members of the White Team. Don't get too deep into this!"

The first to rush into the Blue Team's base were three sophomores from the Red Team. Following them, the freshmen from the White Team also came running.

"What, nothing to worry about. It seems it usually takes only 15 minutes to crush the Blue Team first. If we plan well, it won't be a problem."

"Oh, found a prey already!"

The students from the Red Team accelerated with their skills, grabbed the arm of a Blue Team female student, and twisted it.

"Hahaha, defeating her alone gives us 21 points! Easy peasy!"

"Prepare for a little pain. Hehehe!"

Just as the trio from the Red Team was about to cast a spell on the female student's arm.

"...Wait a minute!"

The student holding the girl's arm pointed at her smartwatch screen and shouted.

"This... she only has 1 point!"

It wasn't just her. Except for Rikimaru-senpai, all Blue Team students lost 20 points and only had 1 point.

It's all part of the strategy. Let's go back to the day we submitted our enrollment forms.

"But even if all teams receive the same points, won't the Blue Team still be targeted?"

To Hina, who tilted her head, I pointed my finger.

"Let's continue from earlier. Suppose Hina, as a teacher of a subject where students can score 100 points in 30 minutes, how would you prevent students from scoring?"

"Um... make the test questions more difficult?"

"That would be ideal. But that's not possible; the questions are too easy, no matter how difficult you make them, they are solved quickly. Just like the Blue Team's strength."

"Ugh! That's impossible with those conditions!"

Hina, completely defeated, sat at an empty desk and threw her legs up.

"How about this?"

At that moment, Fuyuka, who had been listening silently, raised her hand apologetically.

"What if we change the grading scale of the test? For example, make full marks worth 10 points. That way, even if you score full marks in that subject, it only counts as a small part of the overall test."


Yes. The problem with subjects where you can score 100 points in 30 minutes is that the full marks are the same as other subjects.

By lowering the value of full marks, it becomes more rational to study other subjects.

"That's cheating! Besides, how does that apply to the sports festival?"

"No, it's possible. By using the 'transfer' of points in the sports festival rules."

Points get evenly distributed to individuals in the sports festival, but individuals can transfer points to their allies.

However, only once per person. Individuals must have at least 1 point, and leaders must have 500 points minimum.

The Blue Team transferred points within 10 minutes of receiving the smartwatch. 

They transferred all available points to me, so even if they defeat all Blue Team students except Rikimaru-senpai, they'll only get 55 points.

With that in mind, the next moves become clear.

"Hey! The White Team is right there! There are more of them than I thought!"

"...Tch, stop attacking the Blue Team for now! Let's defeat the White Team first, then go for the leader!"

Since both the White and Red Teams gather at the Blue Team's base, it gradually turns into a brawl. 

Taking advantage of that, the Blue Team's students use hit-and-run tactics.

"Incredible... what Ryuto said is coming true..."

"If you think rationally, this much is predictable. The problem lies ahead."

There are always unexpected things. No matter how rational the strategy is, it can't completely eliminate that possibility.

"Well then, let's pray for everyone's safety..."

"I found them."

At that moment, not Fuyuka, but a male voice was heard.

Turning around, there were three students from the Red Team. The fact that they wore jerseys with three stripes meant they were seniors.

"With blue watches on their arms and single stripes on their jerseys... first-year students from the Blue Team?"

"It seems they managed to hide and escape this far, but unfortunately, the game ends hereーー"

The student with glasses, standing in the center, said so and choked on his words.

"What's wrong?"

"L-look at this guy's watch!"

The guy with glasses pointed at my watch. The other two also looked, their eyes widening.

Because my watch displayed the number, "1620" representing most of the Blue Team's points.

"Is the Blue Team crazy!? Did they entrust all their points to such a weak-looking first-year student except the leader!?"

The bewildered trio faced an unexpected situation. After locking my eyes for a few seconds, they stared at me with sharp eyes.

Since everyone in the Blue Team seems to be doing their best... I guess I'll do my best too.

I've wanted to try this for a while now. Every time I see it in movies or dramas, I've been thinking about what form to use.

Now is the time!

"I'm so sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

I bowed deeply towards the trio.

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