28 February 2024

Genius 6


Chapter 6. Return To The Royal Capital

"Are you really going?"

Five years later, Hermes became a disciple of Rose.

In the depths of a deserted forest far from the royal capital, echoes the voice of Master Rose.

Her appearance hasn't changed since we first met. Her youthful beauty and well-proportioned physique show no signs of change from living together.

In the first place, he doesn't know his master's age. He has a rough estimate, but his reasoning and appearance don't quite match, leaving him somewhat skeptical.

Despite five years passing, the young boy still answers his master's solemn question.

"...Yes. I am returning to the capital."

On the other hand, Hermes, naturally, has changed significantly in five years.

He is now fifteen years old. While he may pale to other boys his age, his physique is robust. His facial features retain a gentle aspect, but there's a hint of strength that suppresses his former timidity.

And his demeanor. Conversely, it's more mature than his age, exuding a sense of calmness.

With determination shining in his emerald eyes, Hermes declares without hesitation.

"In order not to waste Master's teachings, to reclaim the feelings I once lost, and to find 'my own magic'. I must see various magics in the capital. Above all, it's what I want to do."

"...I see."

Rose, receiving his firm words, bows her head in thought.

Then, as if pondering something deeply, she suddenly trembles.

"...I-I really don't want you to go!"

She clings to him with all her might.

Without any shame or restraint, she holds onto him as if to say she won't let go, her voice trembling and her eyes teary.

To put it bluntly, her previously solemn demeanor is now so pitifully pathetic that it shatters the solemn atmosphere from before.

"Hey, Hermes! Can't you reconsider? I can't bear to be apart from you anymore!"

"Well, um...didn't you originally suggest that it would be better for me to return to the capital, Master?"

"Well, yeah! You might not know, but my life before you came was pretty miserable, you know!?"

"Uh, yes, I'm aware. After all, I'm probably the one who improved that miserable life."

His mentor, Rose, is undeniably a magnificent magician.

Well, let me rephrase that a bit.

She's undeniably a magnificent person as a magician. In fact, over the past five years, he has learned a lot of knowledge and techniques from her.

However, to put it bluntly, Rose is also an incredibly hopeless person in everything else.

Irregular lifestyles and unhealthy habits were the norm. Her room was always a mess, with no concept of tidying up.

She would neglect changing clothes, doing laundry, or even taking baths because she was too engrossed in magical research. I had to forcibly push her into the bathtub countless times, arguing that "using magic to clean dirt doesn't count".

Realizing that accommodating his mentor's lifestyle was not a good idea even as a child, Hermes made up his mind to take care of his surroundings which others had been doing for him until then. Thus, for five years, he trained in various household chores and learned his master's preferences in cooking during breaks from his magical studies.

He had improved to the point where he could pride himself on being average, and as for his mentor.

"I, I just can't live without you anymore!"

Indeed, from being a hopeless person, Rose has evolved into a hopeless person without Hermes.

He used to think she was really cool when they first met. Hermes consoles his clinging mentor, feeling nostalgic for the past.

"...Um, Master. It's hard for me to leave when you're clinging to me like this..."

"Ugh, it hurts the most when you say that..."

She seemed to be aware that she was being selfish.

Slightly loosening her embrace, but still speaking in close proximity, she continued with a tinge of reluctance.

"But...I won't be able to eat your food anymore, pat your head, hug you, or sleep together. I'll miss that."

"U-um, I think it's getting a bit embarrassing to talk about that, even if I'm still here..."

Fortunately, Rose cherished him not only in terms of magic but also in other aspects.

However, there were times when she showed more affection than he had imagined, and since he was entering puberty, he couldn't help but feel quite embarrassed by the excessive affection from the older beauty.

But, considering all of that, he was truly grateful to her. He couldn't thank her enough.

"As for meals, I've left behind some easy recipes even for you, Master. I've also automated some household chores with magic, and I'll try to come back as much as possible..."

"Oh, why are you so kind, cute, and good? If you were a little annoying, I would've been happy to kick you out! But I don't want to see you like that, El! What should I do!?"

"Master, it would be best for you to calm down for a moment..."

Despite Rose making a fuss and trying to stop him in various ways, she finally seemed to calm down.

"...I understand. It's the departure of my disciple, after all..."

She let go of him and muttered softly, then showed her serious face as a magician.

"Hermes, I think you understand this, but what I've taught you over these five years are just 'seeds.'"


"From there, it's up to you to learn what magic and what kind of magic flowers to bloom. For that, it's good to see more superior magic—Bloodline Magic."

That's why he's heading to the capital. Being close to nobles with many superior bloodline magics would contribute to his magical training.

Hermes had been proposed this by his master just a few days ago.

"But, seeing bloodline magic alone isn't the only way. There's plenty you can do here."

"That's true..."

"And, honestly, the capital is a terrible place. It's a gathering place for lazy and insidious people who have been comfortable with what they were given since birth, without bothering to think for themselves. I'm sure you'll see things you don't want to see there."

Despite that, Rose asks again.

"Even so, are you going?"

His answer was still unwavering.

"Yes, I'm going. There are things I want to do in the capital."

There is a place where he used to live as a noble. He hardly has any good memories there, but there's still a lingering feeling.

He wants to see how the people he used to associate with are doing now.

Above all, there's something he lost there that he wants to regain for his own magic.

And, if possible.

Just as he was saved by Rose when he hit rock bottom, he wants to show a new path to people struggling with magic.

Because he thinks that's truly the way of the great magician he admired and still admires.

"...I see."

Receiving his answer, she murmurs similarly.

Then, she embraces him firmly once again—this time, with a bright smile.

"Well then, go! Go wreak havoc in the capital! Show those who once dismissed you as incompetent how much you've grown!"


Finally, with his mentor pushed him forward.

With a clear mind, he dashes off. His destination is the forest's exit, and beyond that, the place where he was once expelled from.

"I love you, my disciple──────!"

The loud and bright voice of his beautiful mentor continued to echo in the forest for a long time.

A few days later, just as Hermes reached the capital.

In a deserted alley on the outskirts of the capital.


The rough breathing of a young girl echoed.

She was desperately running. As if in a hurry, or as if fleeing from something.

As if to confirm this, a voice sounded from behind the girl.

"Ahahaha! It's pointless! You can't escape from me!"

Hearing the voice, the girl realized she couldn't shake him off and put even more strength into her legs.

However, with her exhausted body, she couldn't muster any more speed, and before she knew it, the voice was closer than before.

"Just give up already. There's no use resisting anymore── Miss Katia!"


Realizing she couldn't escape, but unable to stop her feet.


The girl, Katia von Trakia, murmured with a look of despair.

"Why, Your Highness Aster!"

At a timing that could only be described as fate's mischief.

The past rivalry was closing in on Hermes, right up close.

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