31 January 2024

Twilight Alchemist 22.2


22.2. The Secret To Success Lies In The Preparation, Isn't It?

"Wow, it's huge..."

"You can tell even from this distance."

"Look closely; it's about the same size as the large rock we used for practice."

"W-Well, it might be, but the impression of a rock and a dragon is too different."

On the day the subjugation squad arrived at the planned wide plain, they finally laid eyes on the imposing figure of the dragon. 

Although still at a considerable distance from the target, the pressure emanating from it was extraordinary.

"It's as the scout's information said. It may have noticed us, but for now, it's not moving." 

Raidoc narrowed his eyes, glaring at the dragon.

"All right, let's move according to plan! Formation! Crane Wing!"

With Raidoc's command, the adventurers spread out to the left and right as we trained. 

It was the Crane Wing formation, a modified version.

In the center was Raidoc's party, along with a few adventurers excelling in defense. 

I was in the center.

On the left and right were the explosive arrow units and their direct support, known as the Chokuen formation.

"Craft, we're moving according to plan. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, no problem."

"All right! Activate the first stage of the operation! Listen up! If this fails, retreat immediately! Do not continue the fight under any circumstances!"

It's the first stage of the operation, the crucial part of the dragon subjugation. 

If this failed, victory would be impossible at that point, making it a litmus test for the entire plan.

"All right! Advance!"

The subjugation squad, maintaining the wide Crane Wing formation, slowly approached the Green Dragon.

With each step, it felt like the pressure would crush them. 

The high spirits from this morning seemed to have vanished, replaced by the suffocating advance.

The size was as expected, but it was a monstrous monster, with only its head being the size of a noble's mansion. 

The pressure was completely different from that of a rock of similar size.

However, no one fled, and there were no suggestions to retreat. 

Everyone, gritting their teeth, took one step after another towards the colossal body.

"Listen up. This is the plan."

It was the night before the decisive battle. 

It was the final confirmation of the plan that had been repeated over and over.

Raidoc, while arranging pieces on the tactical map, went through the confirmation with the leaders of each squad.

Although everyone fully understood it, everyone listened earnestly to Raidoc's words.

"The formation is Crane Wing. In the center, the first squad, including me and Craft. Maintaining the formation, approach the dragon to a certain distance. When within attack range, the first squad will initiate the attack; that will be the signal to start the operation."

The squad leaders nodded in silence.

"At this point, other squads are strictly prohibited from attacking. Don't let fear provoke you into attacking, alright?"

There was a small, wry smile among those gathered.

It was a common sense story for a military unit, but they were adventurers. 

Thorough preparation was necessary in these matters.

"Afterward, monitor the dragon's movements, and only the first squad continues the attack. Craft, you absolutely must not join the attack, understood?"

"I got it."

"While maintaining a moderate distance, continue the attack. The dragon will probably get frustrated and unleash its breath."

A gulp echoed from everywhere.

Dragon's breath.

It was a threatening attack that guaranteed death for any living being who encountered it.

Other monsters also used breath attacks. 

Even the breath of such creatures was a death sentence for adventurers. If it was the breath of a dragon, the extent of its power was unimaginable.

"Listen. This is the key to the operation. Against the breath attack, activate Craft's defensive magic. You've seen it in training many times, right? It's a magic that generates a semi-circular wall. By creating this wall to surround the dragon's head snugly, we can block the breath and obstruct the dragon's line of sight."

A tense but unanimous nod from everyone.

"If, at this point, we determine we can't block the breath, the left and right units will retreat with full force. The first squad will continue to buy time and act as the rearguard. In that case, there's no need for you to help us. Just run with all your might."

It was a plan decided after numerous discussions. 

No one complained at this point.

"If we can block the breath, move on to the second stage of the operation. At my signal, launch explosive arrows. Don't get the timing wrong; a simultaneous attack is crucial. At this point, refrain from using offensive magic."

Not using offensive magic at this point was to conserve the magical power of the spellcasters as much as possible.

"When the effectiveness of the explosive arrows is confirmed, move on to the third stage of the operation. Initiate another attack by the first squad, draw the dragon's attention, and maintain that state until the breath attack occurs again. It's a repeat of this process."

And Raidoc concluded with this.

"In short, provoke, bait the breath, and throw in the bombs. Just repeat that. Simple, right?"

At that point, the overall atmosphere relaxed, and calm laughter echoed.

Without doubting victory.

Even as I smiled gently, deep down, I was determined.


To protect everyone.


It was during breakfast on the morning of the decisive battle.

Jitaro, the hunter, noticed that Solar, a ranger and a member of Raidoc's party, was being stared at by him.

I grabbed Jitaro's shoulder and pulled him close, thinking, perhaps.

"Are you in love with Solar?"

"Whaaat!? How did you know!?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?"

"Well, damn..."


Well, Jitaro wasn't a bad guy. 

His skills as a hunter were reliable. 

If he decided to go after Solar, I wouldn't be entirely unsupportive.

Perhaps that was his mistake.

What Jitaro said next would turn everything upside down.

"When I come back safely, I'm going to confess to Solar!"

I silently and forcefully punched Jitaro.

Stop it! Stop it!

Where did your dialect go?

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