01 January 2024

Seeker 268


Chapter 268. The Mermaid Princess And The Guardian Warrior

Rebecca-san is still missing, even though the time has come. 

Worried that something might have happened, I dived into the sea to search and found an underwater city and mermaids. ←Right here.

Moreover, the situation is getting even more complicated.

"Princess, what happened──Hmm, what is this!? Could it be surface dwellers!?"

From the depths of the cave, another mermaid appeared.

Though they are called mermaids, the upper body resembles a young adult male, carrying a trident-like spear.

According to Rebecca-san's story, female mermaids are called mermaids, and male mermaids are called mermen.

Both are considered semi-legendary beings, and their existence is doubted.

The merman with the trident approached the mermaid he called the princess, moving forward to protect her.

And he aimed the spear at us, glaring in a defensive posture.

Unlike the mermaid girl, the merman seems to possess awakened powers.

Judging by the pressure he exudes, I think he has the strength equivalent to a level 25 skilled adventurer.

The mermaid girl speaks to the merman warrior.

"Gelark, those people were heading towards our settlement. Now it's under the control of the Sahagin. If they go there without knowing, they might face a terrible fate."

"Princess, you're too kind. It would have been better to let them go. Perhaps they could have fallen together with us."

"Don't say that! Gelark is a much kinder person!"

"Princess is too trusting of outsiders!"

The mermaid girl and the merman warrior argue vehemently.

Even though we were underwater, their voices reaching us seemed similar to the phenomenon of our Aquaform's power.

"It seems they've started a fight and left us out."

"Yeah. I don't really understand, but let's approach them in a friendly manner. Kazane, any other signs?"

"I don't think so. There are many fish-like presences, so it's hard to discern."

If it's just those two, even if we were to become hostile, I don't think there's any element for us to lose. 

While thinking that if we were villains, they would be in trouble at this point.

Also, Kazane, I wish you'd stop making strange noises every time I address you casually.

"We have no intention of hostility. We're searching for someone. Have you seen a human woman?"

When I convey this, the mermaid girl says triumphantly, "See, they're not bad people.".

The merman warrior wears a face as if he has bitten a bitter bug and mutters, "In any case, there's no turning back now.".

Then, facing us, he says, "Alright, we'll believe your words about no intention of hostility. There's a risk of being found by the Sahagin if you stay there. Come inside."

And with the mermaid girl, we entered the cave.

While hesitating for a moment, I followed them afterward.

Kazane and Yuzuki, the small-sized Griffin, also followed.

The cave wasn't very deep and soon reached a dead end.

The merman warrior and the mermaid girl were waiting at the farthest point.

Firstly, we introduced ourselves to each other.

The mermaid girl is called Fermina, and the merman warrior is called Gelark.

Fermina is the princess of the merfolk who lives in that "city" I saw earlier.

Gelark-san is a warrior of the royal guard.

On the other hand, when asked how humans came here, we answered that it was the power of these swimsuits.

Fermina exclaimed, "Amazing." with wide eyes, but Gelark-san had a face that couldn't quite comprehend it. 

It's understandable. But it's the truth, so there's no helping it.

After our introductions were done, we got to the main topic.

"Once again, the same question. We're looking for a human woman named Rebecca. Do you have any leads?"

When I asked, Fermina and Gelark-san looked at each other as if peering into each other's faces.

Gelark-san shook his head, and seeing that, Fermina replied like this.

"We haven't seen her. But maybe she was attacked by the Sahagin."

"Sahagin, they're half-fish people, right? Fish-like beings from head to toe."

Yuzuki brought up a story she heard from the people in the city.

"If they're fish from head to toe, they're just fish. I heard they have human-like limbs and can walk on two legs on land."

"Those limbs also have scales and fins, right? Occasionally, they appear in coastal villages and towns, attacking people. I heard they are evil and cruel creatures."

Yuzuki and I supplemented the information.

Gelark-san nodded, indicating that our understanding was generally correct.

The half-fish people, Sahagin.

They seem to be a kind of different race rather than monsters, but for humans, they are considered hostile.

Rarely, they appear in coastal villages and port towns, singly or in groups, attacking people.

All the Sahagin that appear in human settlements have awakened powers, and even one appearing in a small village can cause significant damage.

Unlike the merfolk, known even in human society as a somewhat legendary existence, Sahagin is one of the races referred to as the "enemies of humanity" in a bad sense──that's what we had heard.

Summing up the story so far, it seems that the Sahagin group has occupied the Merfolk settlement──that is, what we recognize as the underwater city, and is currently dominating it.

Rebecca-san might have been attacked by those Sahagin.

If that's true, there is a possibility that the worst has already happened. And at this moment, that thing came again.


Special Mission, Rescue Adventurer Rebecca Captured by Sahagin!

Experience Points Earned upon Mission Completion... 100,000 points


It's a mix of relief and complicated emotions. 

Nevertheless, the mission details still provide a sense of meta-information. 

If the mission outlines this scenario, then it's safe to assume that the worst hasn't happened to Rebecca-san, right?

On the flip side, it almost confirms that Rebecca is, in fact, captured by the Sahagin. 

Although the current situation is unknown, given the tales of Sahagin being a bloodthirsty and malevolent race, if true.

However, the acquired experience points are quite substantial. It's the same amount as when we challenged the Dungeon of Flame and Ice related to the Dwarf City Dagmahar. 

Does this mean the difficulty level is dangerously high...?

Back then, we teamed up with two of the legendary Eight Heroes, Yusefia-san and Bargamund-san, but I wonder if their presence factored into the difficulty level. The risk seems excessively high.

The thought of retreating now, pretending we never saw the underwater city, crosses my mind. 

On the other hand, I think this: doing so is equivalent to abandoning Rebecca-san.

She's always been carefree and reckless, diving headfirst into danger. 

At this rate, even if we rescue her now, I can't shake the feeling that she'll eventually lose her life.

Maybe rescuing her isn't worth it. She brought this upon herself.

But, deep down, I realize I've grown too attached to Rebecca-san. 

These conflicting feelings smolder within me.

Damn, that reckless adventurer. Always getting into one trouble after another.

Well, this time, it's not entirely her fault. 

Well, it is, considering she suggested going to the underwater city, but it's too late to say that now.



Kazane and Yuzuki look at me with expressions of unease. 

Even though they've tried to keep Rebecca-san away from me, it doesn't mean they genuinely dislike her. 

However, our lives—Kazane and Yuzuki's—are at stake here. 

A hasty decision could lead to the worst outcome.

What should I do...?

"Hey, Gelark. Can't you ask these people for help? If we promise some reward..."

"Well, Princess, even if they were to assist us, including me, we are just four individuals. Especially against the Sahagin, particularly the four-armed one who claims to be their king, we wouldn't stand a chance."

"But then, what should we do? Stay hidden here forever?"

"I understand your feelings. However..."

It seemed like Fermina and Gelark were discussing something. 

I can roughly guess the situation. 

They probably want to request something from us, and we can anticipate what it might be.

The interests of the merfolk and we seem to align. 

The only question is whether we're willing to take the risk.

And at that moment.

From outside the cave, quite a distance away, a voice reached our ears.

"Gyagyagyagya! Merfolk princess~? Are you around here~? If you are, how about responding~?"

Hearing that voice, the mermaid girl's shoulders trembled noticeably.

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