01 January 2024

Musou Slime 16


16. Encounter With Crisis

After 30 minutes of walking. I had reached the third floor.

"Kinda surprising, it wasn't that big of a deal..."

The monsters on the 2nd floor were definitely stronger compared to the first. 

However, it was a bit anticlimactic for me.

Using the slimes' detection ability, I spotted the monsters and, with me and the slimes working together, we swiftly defeated them. 

By faithfully adhering to this method, I practically never lost.

In dungeons, lack of information can be fatal. 

Even I know the famous stories of adventurers getting surrounded by monsters and dying while lost.

On the flip side, if you understand the surroundings, it becomes a significant advantage.

Speaking purely in terms of combat ability, I won't lose. 

Dungeon conquest was progressing smoothly in a solid state.

"Well then, as for my current level..."


Arx Seirant, 17 years old, male

Level 14



[Slime Tamer]... Can generate level 4 slimes. Maximum of 15.


On the way, I'm defeating monsters and leveling up, my current level is 14.

The [Slime Tamer] ability has been enhanced, and the slimes' level is now 4. I wonder if I can take on monsters on the 1st floor one-on-one.

For now, everything is going smoothly. 

If I continue without trouble, I might reach the 5th floor, not just the 4th. It's starting to get exciting—


It happened in that instant. The entire floor shook violently. 

I thought it might be an earthquake, but it wasn't. Tremors were occurring like waves.

This is just like—a gigantic something is walking.


I hear the slimes' cries. That's a sign of enemy detection. 

Does that mean—it can't be!?

"Everyone, gather! Be on guard!"

I hurriedly shouted and ran in the direction of the slimes.

"W-what is this!?"

Turning a corner, I reached the place where the slimes were, and I was dumbfounded.

For a moment, it looked like a wall. A brown wall blocked my way. However, it wasn't actually a wall. It was a monster.

Golem. A giant made of rock, about three meters tall. It had a chubby, round body with limbs like dumplings, but you should never underestimate the force it unleashes with each strike.

I heard that's the kind of monster you find on the 5th to 7th floors. And I'm still on the 3rd floor, right? Why is it here!?

Of course, the Golem won't answer such questions. Reality is sometimes merciless.


"Everyone, dodge!"

With the mechanical shout, the golem slammed its fist into the ground. 

I kicked the ground and swiftly distanced myself from the golem.

Simultaneously, intense roaring and vibrations attacked us.

What is this power? It's almost like a disaster. 

It surpasses by far any monster I've fought so far.

To put it mildly, it's in a whole different league. It's not a matter of intelligence or skills. There's an insurmountable gap between the Golem and me.

Can I do it? Me. Can I defeat such a gigantic monster?

At that point, it was already a meaningless question. The Golem is now relentlessly attacking me like a disaster.

"...I have no choice but to do it!"

If that's the case, there's no option to run away. 

The only answer is to make a simple decision—prepare myself.

I swore I wouldn't live a life of just running away!


A charge. I drew my sword and leaped towards the Golem, which was about twice my height.

At the moment the sword and the Golem's body collided, a high-pitched metallic sound rang out.

Truly tough. With my strength, I can't even leave a scratch.


Once again, the Golem's fist swung down towards me. I narrowly avoided it, but after the fist hit the ground, a large crater appeared.

"This is bad, this is way too—"

At that moment, I felt something collide with my side. My body got sent flying sideways.

"Ouch, what just happened...?"

I got up and looked at where I had just been standing. Then, my whole body broke out in goosebumps.

In the place where I was standing, the Golem's fist was coming down slowly.

The one who had shielded me was a single slime.

Could it be that it sacrificed itself to protect me!? 

Even though I can regenerate it tomorrow, why would it do something so reckless?


At that moment, I noticed that the slimes around me were gone. 

When I shared my vision, I saw that the slimes were gathered in one place, doing something.

The slimes were fighting the monsters on the 3rd floor. 

I wondered why they were doing that while being attacked by the golem, but there was only one answer.

To level up.

In this critical moment, they're trying desperately to raise my level, aiming to enhance my <Slime> ability. 

Naturally, the probability is quite low, and it's a level where they are clinging to a straw.

However, the slimes are putting in a desperate effort to grasp that straw. They're trying to help me win.

I'm embarrassed that I had become so timid. Was I really expecting this much?

If that's the case, I can't afford to lose, no matter what happens. I can't let it end here.

At that moment, the slimes defeated the monsters. Simultaneously, a familiar voice echoed in my mind.


You have reached level 15.

Additional abilities have been granted to <Slime>.


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