05 October 2023

Bottom Tier 4




Ao-chan rushed over and treated the wound on my hand when she saw it.

"Don't worry. If you drink a potion, you'll get better."

"I guess so, but my hand is in bad shape..."

Ao-chan grimaced in pain, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'm glad you're okay...!"

"I told you I'm fine."

"Even so, I was really worried."

I selected a potion from my belongings and drank it.

The wound faintly glowed, and although the pain remained, the bleeding stopped quickly.

"Don't go die, and leave your teacher behind."

She seemed bright, optimistic, and capable of handling anything, but that was in our previous world. 

In this world, leaving someone behind meant they would never truly die.

"Minato-kun, you looked really cool."


I did my best to suppress my embarrassment.

"You were a big help, so don't apologize."

"That's good to hear. But right now, I'm completely exhausted, especially mentally."

"I don't have any SP left, and both in terms of level and money, today was more than enough."

And so, we returned to the town after spending just about thirty minutes in the forest.

Back in town, we decided to look for the man who had been chased by wild boars in the forest.

"Why do you think that guy was being chased?"

"He probably wanted something within Wild Boars' territory and entered the forest for it."

"You know that too?"

"Well, the details might be different."

With that preface, we decided to eat and entered a restaurant.

The man from earlier was there.

"Oh! You guys from earlier! Are you okay?"

"Yes, thanks to you, somehow."

I responded with a smile, but Ao-chan seemed to perceive him as the "guy who attracted a formidable enemy" and didn't look pleased.

"Thanks to you guys, I survived. This is a Fairy Tree Fragment I gathered deep in the forest. I want you to have it as a token of gratitude. I hope it comes in handy."

"Thank you very much. We appreciate it."

We shook hands firmly and ended the conversation, taking our seats at a different table. After ordering our food, Ao-chan spoke up.

"Was it something good? The item he gave us."

"Yes. It's a valuable item we can use as material for weapons and armor. How did you know?"

"Because Minato-kun had a nice smile."

Ao-chan, leaning her chin on her hand at the opposite table, smiled brightly.

With Wild Boar's large fur and Fairy Tree Fragment obtained in the previous battle, we could make one piece of armor, or create a weapon using Impaling Blade and Fairy Tree Fragment.

As I pondered, the waiter brought our ordered dishes to the table.

As we began to eat, Ao-chan expanded her status.

"It looks like my level went up too. And my proficiency as well."


Nakabayashi Aoba

Job: Curse User

Level: 5

HP: 13

SP: 28

Attack: 4 + 1

Defense: 6

Magic Attack: 6 + 1

Magic Defense: 14

Agility: 5

Title: Hard Lucker

Skills: Heavy Curse (E-), Modulation (E+)


[Curse] has evolved and changed to [Heavy Curse].


Heavy Curse

Allows the target to become more prone to misfortune for a very short period.


With this, the probability of me successfully stealing items using [Plunder] and the chance of critical hits happening are increased. 

By having a Curse User in the background allows for the potential damage boost from critical hits, even when a single Thief can only make small attacks against weaker opponents. 

That's a significant advantage.

Also, she obtained the title Hard Lucker, which is a notable achievement.


Hard Lucker

When misfortune has an enhanced effect, you gain additional Lin.


It's a title you obtained when repeatedly succeeding in low-probability actions within the party due to using [Curse].

Since explaining with just the system voice is insufficient, I'll explain the new skill and title to Ao-chan again.

"――So, when Minato commits theft..."

"The way you say it, the way you say it."

"It's a system where money comes to me?"

"That's right. The wording is a bit off, but..."

"Minato commits theft, and I get money in return. We're completely sketchy."

Ao-chan covered her mouth and couldn't stop laughing.

"Rather than accomplices, it feels more like the perpetrator and mastermind."


Both of us burst into laughter.

Perhaps because the tension from the earlier battle had dissolved, this lighthearted time felt incredibly enjoyable.

I debated whether to create a weapon or armor, but I decided on armor.

I don't know if she'll accept it, but I'll give it to the person who means the most to me.

Ao-chan used her fingertips to wipe away the tears that came from laughing too much.

She playfully poked my leg.

"Being with Minato-kun is really fun."

"Oh... I think so too."

Could it be that Ao-chan likes me...?

My heart raced, and Ao-chan raised her hand and called the waitress.

"Is this Ale alcohol? Alcohol? Then, 3 please."

"Hey, sensei!"

Oops, I let my guard down!

"Just a little. Just a little taste! ...Okay?"

Even with her cute head tilt, it was a no-go.

"People who settle for just a taste don't order 3!"

"I didn't drink yesterday, okay!?"

She had a deadly serious expression.

Is it really that serious?

Well, she eats less than me, and it's a big help in battle.

Honestly, I could have ordered one too. Just one.

Aoc-han held the glass brought by the waitress and took big sips.

"Mmmmmmm... Hahaha!"

Ao-chan cheered loudly. Is this what she's like at home? The glass is already empty.

I decided to have one too.

"Oh, the taste is similar to the game version."

"Ah! You're drinking even though you're underage!"

"I drank a lot in the game world, so it's okay. I won't get drunk..."

As I finished speaking, a strong alcoholic sensation rushed from my throat to my nose.

So, this is what it's like in real life.

I took a sip of the second one and left it untouched.

"If you don't want it, can I have it?"

Ao-chan reached for my glass after I drank from it.

She doesn't mind indirect kisses!?

Wow, she's grown up...!

"Sensei, we kind of had an indirect kiss, didn't we?"

With flushed cheeks and glistening eyes from the alcohol, she looked bewitching.

"W-Well... it's not that big of a deal."

Maybe because I looked away while saying that, Ao-chan grinned throughout.

It seems the alcohol in the ale was stronger than Ao-chan expected, and after 3 glasses, she was already tipsy and seemed like she might fall off her chair.

"Sensei, let's go home."


After paying the bill, I walked with Ao-chan, supporting her with my shoulder. We're back to yesterday's inn.

"I can't walk..."

"But, if we stay like this..."

"Piggyback. Please!"

Is it a dream to have a tipsy beautiful sensei act spoiled like this?

"I guess there's no other option," I said, carrying Ao-chan on my back.

Of course, I could feel her breasts pressing against my back.

"I drank too much."

"Let's rest, today."

Ao-chan was in high spirits until I put her in bed in the inn.

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