16 August 2023

Seeker 149


Chapter 149. Aerial Dragon (Part 1)

Unbeknownst to us, the wind had grown stronger, blowing fiercely.

After climbing up the path along the cliffside, we reached the top, where an expansive plateau lay.

Beyond the vast field, larger than a school's playground, awaited a colossal monster.

Its size could easily rival a small dwelling.

The dragon with its dull green scales noticed our presence and coiled its body, staring intently at us.

The distance between us was more than a hundred meters, estimated by my eyes.

From here, our ranged attack magic wouldn't reach, and its breath attack would likely be the same.

Then, the dragon lifted its head.

It roared towards the sky.


The dragon's roar echoed like an earthquake.

Was it a threat?

It was as if it was saying, turn back now, and I'll spare you.

Of course, there was no option to turn back at this point.

We had to make it understand that it wasn't the absolute ruler it thought it was.

Moreover, the medicinal herbs we sought were located even further past the position where the dragon was stationed, down the cliffside with ropes.

It would be much safer to defeat it first before attempting to gather the herbs.

We quickly began to cast buffs on everyone.

The usual boss battle setup: [Protection], [Quickness], and [Fire Weapon].

During this time, the dragon remained motionless, just waiting.

Calm or overconfident?

I wasn't sure if monsters even had such psychology.

We've done buffing.

We rushed forward, running towards it.

The duration of various support spells was about sixty seconds.

It would be best to settle this before then.

The dragon was finally starting to move.

It spread its wings and flapped them powerfully, lifting off the cliff's edge.

We halted at a certain distance and prepared to cast our spells.

Kazane-san, Yuzuki, Aria-san, and I – our bodies emitted shine representing our magic attributes: green, red, blue, and brown.

By the way, we maintained a certain distance from each other.

We needed to avoid getting caught in the dragon's area-of-effect breath attack.

However, we couldn't stray too far.

If one of us get targeted by the dragon's melee attack, I needed to ensure that Kazane-san and I could quickly help Yuzuki and Aria-san.


Aerial Dragon, now airborne to a significant altitude, propelled itself towards us by flapping its wings.


In a trajectory resembling the lightning-like path Wyvern took, it was hurtling towards us with tremendous speed.

"It's coming! [Rock Bazooka]!"

"It's fast, but not enough—[Wind Slash]!"

"It's aiming... Fenrir Arrow!"

"Damn it...! [Icicle Lance]!"

Precisely targeting the rapidly zigzagging aerial dragon was a challenge, but our magic attacks didn't miss.

Some were close calls, but the homing properties of our magic projectiles ensured that all four hits landed somehow.

Yet, Aerial Dragon continued its charge, even as black mist emanated from where the hits connected.

From its mouth shine a magic light, indicating that it was about to release its breath attack.


A breath attack was unleashed from Aerial Dragon's mouth.


"Kazane-san! Yuzuki!"

The breath attack's range caught both Kazane-san and Yuzuki.

The effect of the Wind Breath the aerial dragon released was quite similar to [Wind Storm], a spell used by Kazane-san.

It formed a storm containing countless wind blades, tearing apart anything caught within its area.

After the storm of breath had passed, Kazane and Yuzuki's equipment bore cuts and scratches, their fair skin marred by numerous wounds.

A dragon's breath dealt damage equivalent to a magical attack.

Though we had equipped everyone with Anti-magic Rings as a countermeasure, the extent of their effectiveness was unknown.

"We're... we're okay, but...!"

"If I take another hit, it'll be bad... Wait, it's coming straight at us!"

After releasing its breath attack, the Aerial Dragon unexpectedly charged straight toward Yuzuki.

Damn it, it had to go there.

Attacking Kazane-san or me in melee range would have been relatively easy to handle, but it was dangerous for Yuzuki or Aria-san.

Of course, we had accounted for this in our formation, and Kazane-san successfully moved to cover.

However, even Kazane-san was injured.


The dragon's claws and fangs came at Yuzuki with terrifying speed.

Even someone as skilled as Yuzuki couldn't avoid them all.

One of the claw attacks hit, tearing through her black attire and leaving a deep gash on her body.

"Yuzuki! Take this! [Three Strikes]!"

Rushing into the fray, I executed a lethal skill attack from the dragon's side.

My spear, engulfed in the fire of [Fire Weapon], was meant to pierce through the Aerial Dragon's side—but...


My triple strikes missed completely, slicing through empty air.

Aerial Dragon demonstrated an unexpectedly swift evasion, dodging my attack with an agility unbecoming of its size.

It almost seemed like the dragon smirked at me as it dodged.

But that could have been a hallucination.

Aerial Dragon then turned its attention towards Yuzuki, seemingly ignoring me completely and preparing to launch another attack.

However, this battle wasn't just about me. I wasn't fighting alone, of course.

"Not happening! Fenrir Arrow!"

"I'll heal you! [Hydro Heal]!"

"Coming through! Get ready!"

As Ice Arrows from Yuzuki pierced Aerial Dragon, causing ice blossoms to bloom, Aria's healing magic worked to mend the wounds Yuzuki had suffered.

Seizing the opportunity created by the dragon's momentary vulnerability, Yuzuki's dual-wielded daggers ignited in flames.

The two Rune Kris daggers, ablaze with fire, carved diagonal crosses through the dragon's body.

Of course, Aerial Dragon wasn't just going to take all this damage lying down.

It launched a fierce assault on Yuzuki, employing its claws, fangs, and tail.

Kazane-san sustained more wounds, but they weren't fatal.

Her high evasion, combined with the protection provided by her Black Clothes and the camellia hairpin, seemed to be doing its job.

And as soon as she took damage, Aria-san's healing magic worked to mend her wounds.

Though it didn't fully restore her, the balance between damage taken and healing received seemed to be maintained.

Meanwhile, I...

"This time, for sure! [Triple Thrust]!"

Observing the Aerial Dragon's movements, I timed my skill attack to hit without missing.

My three consecutive strikes were launched with a satisfying sound, finally connecting this time, piercing Aerial Dragon's side with a guaranteed hit.

A powerful blow that dealt significant damage.


"One more time! Fenrir Arrow!"

Yuzuki and Aria's attacks struck it. They're pressuring the Wind Dragon even further.

Aerial Dragon, covered in black mist emanating from its body, let out a tortured cry as it writhed and struggled.

"We did it! HP remaining: 124!"

This announcement came from Yuzuki, who had been gauging its remaining HP with [Monster Appraisal].

Alright, just one more push, and victory was within reach.

At the moment when I felt confident about winning...

The dragon suddenly flapped its wings powerfully and leaped into the air from its position.

Simultaneously, a dazzling light glowed from its almost lifeless mouth.

Instantly, the dragon released its breath attack for the second time.

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