12 January 2023

Seeker 17


Chapter 17. Celebration Party

"So, let's celebrate the great success of our first party search, Kanpai!"

"Ka, Kanpai ......."

Kodachi-san and I, with two mugs, clinked together.

At the table for two, dishes such as pasta, sautéed chicken, french fries, and salad were served one after another.

We're a family restaurant in the downtown area in front of the station.

After finishing our dungeon search, Kodachi-san and I pedaled our bicycles here.

"Glug, glug, glug ...... puhaaaaaah! I knew it was this one! A drink after work is the best. ─ ─ Look, Rikusou-san, drink and drink."

"No, um, I haven't turned 20 yet. ......"

"Ah, you're right. I remember that. But it's okay. You'll be 20 next year, so you'll be fine. Come on, just go for it."

"Ha, ......."

I wondered about that logic, but I felt uncomfortable not drinking it when Kodachi-san recommended it.

Incidentally, Kodachi-san ordered two bottles of draft beer without question.

I took a sip from the beer mug and drank it.

It was bitter, but I felt the cool, refreshing sensation as it fell into my stomach and soaked into my tired body.

On the other hand, Kodachi-san asks the waitress for more beer and then proceeds to finish her meal.

"Rikusou-san, it's not good to put only alcohol on your empty stomach, so eat, eat."

"Yes, thank you."

What is this flippant attitude of Kodachi-san?

She's like an older sister taking care of her younger sisters or something.

I'm being pushed along by her.

I was eating my meal with my face down, unable to look at Kodachi-san's face properly.

I glanced at Kodachi-san's face and saw her blushing with an expression of happiness as she was serving beer and food to her mouth.

I felt like I had gotten to know her while we dived into the dungeon, but after we left the dungeon., It was a no-go.

"But Rikusou-san, I enjoyed myself today. I haven't spent time with someone like this in a long time. I've been alone for so long lately."

"...... Is that so?"

"Yes, it has. I'm a grandma's girl. After my parents died in an accident, I lived with my grandma. But she recently died from an illness.

All of a sudden, this becomes a very heavy subject.

Not caring that I was about to interject, Kodachi-san started to tell her own story.

"After that, it was like there was a hole in my chest. I didn't care about anything, and I quit my job. Then one day, I suddenly became a seeker. I was desperate, I mean desperate, and I just dove into the dungeon, like I was throwing myself into it."


"I guess it was a good thing, on the contrary, that there were no human rights in the dungeon rewards. It's ugh, making less than minimum wage for a job where you're risking your life. But then I got mad and said, oh, I'm going to do it, alright! But today I met a seeker about the same age as me for the first time, and I approached him. Because I was lonely by myself."

Blushed with alcohol, Kodachi-san's tongue was rolling well.

I had always thought she was a talker, but it was as if something inside her that she wanted to say to someone else had just burst out.

"But today was the most fun I've had in a long time. I felt alive. Rikusou-san is a nice person, isn't he? Kind, humble, and caring."

"Th... Thanks."

In short, what is it?

Is this the so-called "wound-up" state?

I'm fine with it, but I wonder if she's okay though.

I noticed that the third empty mug lined up in front of Kodachi-san.

The waiter brings the next round of drinks and lowers the empty mug.

By the way, my mug is still not even half full from the first one.

"Oh, um, Kodachi-san. Are you all right, ......?"

"......? What do you mean? Am I okay? Do you mean I don't miss my grandma now that she's gone? If so, then I'm fine. I have Rikusou-san with MHEe now. Ehee!"

Before I know it, I'm losing my train of thought.

Wasn't she drinking that much beer because she's a strong drinker?

"No, that's not it. ......"

"What is it? Don't tell me you're dumping MHhee, Rikusou-san? You said you'd take responsibility for me earlier, ......!"


Wait, wait, wait, things are not right.

Is there anyone ... who can protect her!

If I had to say, I'm the only one.

And then, after that, Kodachi-san's momentum continued unabated.

Before long, she plopped down on the table in front of me and fell asleep.

...... She's too defenseless, isn't she?

Why does she trust me so much?

What if I'm the bad wolf?

It was a situation where I couldn't even put a tsukkomi, but I can't help when she fell asleep.

I shook her, but she just kept mumbling and showed no sign of waking up.

……What should I do with this person?

I was also in a state where my mind was wandering, and I couldn't think straight, probably because I had drunk beer for the first time.

Damn. I didn't know what to do.

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