08 January 2023

Seeker 11


Chapter 11. First Party Action (4)

The monster that appeared was similar to Kobold in that it was a humanoid monster of small stature, but its head was not that of a dog.

The face was a hideously disfigured version of a human child, with snarled ears and nose, a wide gaping mouth, and glowing red eyes.

The skin was a dull green.

It had thin arms that were strangely knobby, holding a weapon shaped like a short sword.

It was one of them.

When it saw us, it ran toward us, slobbering from its mouth.

"It's a goblin. I'll leave it to you, Rikusou-san."

"Yes, sir."

Mr. Koutaido backs away as if to step aside.

I took a step forward, spear and shield in hand, and assumed a posture to intercept the monster I had never seen before.

Compared to Kobold, it moves much faster.

But it's not too fast that I can't handle it.


When the monster jumped into the gap between us, I vigorously thrust out my spear.

However, perhaps my timing was not good for that attack, and it was evaded by the goblin, who quickly jumped back.

But it was the same for the goblin who lost its timing to attack.

The goblin and I glared at each other from a few paces, both looking for an opportunity to attack.

If Kodachi-san had joined me, it would have been no problem, but I guess she wanted me to do this much on my own.


The goblin, perhaps annoyed with my work, raised a strange cry and attacked me.

I held out my spear and tried to intercept it.

However, the goblin turned its body to the side by half a step and avoided my spear just in time.

Then it closed the gap between us.


I was about to close the gap from the spear to the small sword, and I charged forward with my left-hand shield.

The goblin couldn't respond to my move and was bounced away and staggered by the shield tackle.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I attacked the goblin with my spear.

I stabbed the goblin in the chest, but the blow was not enough to kill it.

The goblin leaped at me and struck me again, but I hit it again with my shield to knock it down.

When it fell, I speared it again. This time the goblin turned into a black mist and disappeared.

A black and green marble-colored magic stone fell into its place.

As I picked it up, I heard crackling applause.

It was Kodachi-san, who was watching the battle.

"Well done, Rikusou-san."

"No, how can I say it? I feel like I can barely fight with such an unrefined fighting style. After all, it's somewhat stronger than a kobold."

"But it's great enough to win unscathed."

"I don't know if I would do it again. I don't think I'll lose, but I might get a hand injury or two."

"Hmmm, you are a humble man, Rikusou-san. I'd feel more comfortable with you as a partner than with someone so vain, though."

Partner, please don't use such meaningful words because I'm falling in love with you.

No, I'm completely self-conscious.

Boys are so quick to misunderstand you.

When I opened the status and checked the experience value, the goblin's experience value was 7 points.

Compared to Kobold's experience of 4 points, that's not bad.

The purchase price of the magic stone should have been 600 yen (540 yen in hand) for the goblins.

That is 50% more than Kobold's magic stone, which cost ¥400 (¥360 in hand-holding).

The seeker who kills the monster will get the monster's experience.

In the current battle, Kodachi-san does not receive any experience.

"But I don't know, I think the 3rd floor ...... is a bit tough ....... I don't think it's impossible, but I don't know if I should wait and see a little more on the 2nd floor......."

Kodachi-san mumbled to herself and made a gesture of contemplation.

"As for me, I'd like to gain a little more experience on this floor, though. I'm not sure that would be a good idea for Kazane-neechan."

"Ugh,...... I'm sorry, please don't do that anymore. It's kind of like this, it hurts my chest ......."

Kodachi-san put her hand on her chest over the leather armor and made an unbearable face.

But thanks to Kodachi-san's nice blur, I'm starting to get some sense of distance.

Is this the skill of a strong communicator (probably not)?

"Well, how about we pause it and go to the 3rd floor when I get to level 4? I'll only need 27 more experience points to level up, and I feel I'll have a much better sense of the 2nd floor by then."

"Hmm, that's right. If you are okay with that, let's go with that."

We agreed to continue our search for the 2nd floor.

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